Chapter Ten: Foals

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Third Person 

The sun had long fallen over the horizon of the city, with the skyscrapers and office buildings now painted with a dim moonlit glow. August's apartment building was no exception, the shimmer of the moon dancing through the closed glass door separating her bedroom from the rest of the world. 

He had originally departed from her residence two hours prior, after what was admittedly one of the most fun nights he had had in awhile. Now, with returning just moments before, Hawks sat on the edge of the brick balcony. With one leg dangling within the encased terrace and the other resting atop the edge to his right side, his golden brown eyes diligently observed the young woman as she slept. 

The poor girl was slumbering away as if she hadn't slept in weeks. Knowing what she'd just endured, that was most likely the case. If August had ever managed to catch even a moment of shut eye in that place, it would've been a miracle. 

With her arms resting at either side of her head, her chocolate brown locks gathered themselves around her baby blue pillow underneath her head. She'd long since changed out of her white crop top and denim shorts that seemed to hug every single curve just the way they intended. Now, August donned a lavender colored tank top, with her choice of bottoms being concealed by the duvet that matched in color to the pillows cushioning her head and neck. Every once and awhile, a seemingly pained expression would grace her delicate features; her thin eyebrows would furrow, her eyes would grimace and tighten, her perfect looking lips would purse together. But as Hawks would always ready himself to come to her aid, she'd relax. Inhaling deeply through her nose would cause her chest to rise, then as she exhaled, her chest would simultaneously lower back down. And within seconds, a more relaxed breathing pattern would begin anew. Even though August was only merely sleeping, Hawks was lost in her beauty. Everything she did, every action that her body carried through, whether it was voluntary or not, he felt hypnotized. Despite everything she has endured, from her assault to her kidnapping, something about August caused a calm coolness to radiate from her. That was what was so perplexing about her. 

She should be traumatized, untrusting of the world and everyone, everything within it. She would have this kind of wall built around her, for fear that she'd be hurt again. If anyone else had been through what she had just experienced, they would isolate themselves, never wanting to allow someone new into their lives. Again, for the fear that something from the past would be repeated. However, albeit with Jake giving her a slight push, August seemed to take her new surroundings in stride. It seemed as though that, along with her worldly possessions, she was perfectly settled into her new home. And even with just experiencing yet another traumatic event, she allowed Hawks within her new space and acknowledged him, spoke to him, and admittedly, created a memory with him that she was sure to never forget. He definitely would never forget it. 

A smile formed across the winged hero's lips as he recalled it now. 

Just moments after alluding to her favorite villain, albeit in a teasing manner, Hawks found his arms weaving themselves around her thin body. The white fur lining of his coat met her exposed midriff, his gloved hands fastening themselves together. From his peripheral, Hawks could still see the faintest shimmer of a blush radiating from August's cheeks. The sudden yet gentle contact, from his chest pressing against her back to his strong arms being wrapped loosely around her, must have flustered her. Given everything he'd read from the report, Hawks deduced that this must have been some of the most gentle human contact she'd received in weeks. Remembering this small fact, he made sure not to make any sudden moves that would have the chance of startling her, accidental or otherwise. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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