03| Curiosity

20 4 0

I was a curious one so I wanted to know more about the experience but I don't know what happened between Grams and my cousins. I heard her scolding them and before I could ask them what it was they taught me, they left the house back to their parent's.

I kept it to myself and soon the summer break ended. I had to go home to my family. Not knowing it was my last time seeing Grams.

She died the following year and no more visits to her place. Meanwhile,  I was still curious so one day when my mom was sitting, I went under the chair and pulled her skirt apart. Then I was about to do same thing to her I did to my cousin but she got to know and slapped me.

I cried while she scolded me and asked me where I learnt it. I remembered that my cousins told me never to tell anyone so I kept mum. My mom suspected but let it go making me promise I'll never repeat it.

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