21| Bury It

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He typed in the password with a strict warning I stay away and I shut my eyes,  expecting to get caught. Until I'm not!

A notification blocked the immoral image in a video I was viewing and I muttered an Alhamdulillah and before he could think of clearing it, I quickly leaned forward and brought my phone to home screen straight up.

He was furious and clear of doubt now that I was hiding something. He demanded to know why I abruptly did what I did.

I told him I didn't want him to see it that I'm hiding. He hissed and moved to slap me but my elder sister interfered and said we can go to Recently Used  Apps Page  to view it.

Thank God I was incognito but,. . . in case my Chrome failed me?

I was clueless what to do. Watch and let my secret be exposed Or...

Bury it.

Bury it.

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