05| Deteriorating

17 4 0

I noticed I started to lie a lot which I didn't like. I was never like this. I tried to change myself but I just couldn't.

Then, one day, a new boy came in my class. I liked him but never talked to him. (In case you didn't know,  I attended a Christian school for my prep and middle school because of my parent's financial status and work) .

It was one faithful afternoon when it was raining. The teacher had to go out to do something and unfortunately my seat mate was the boy. I tried to let go of my desire. I was just a small girl.

Then it happened that he slipped his hand under my skirt. I jolted up and looked at him.

He smiled as if he was doing nothing so I struggled to get his hand away and rest my head on the table,  silently fighting.

At last,  he succeeded in making me surrender to his touch and I let myself fall into the world of sin I promised to never enter.

Thanks for voting and encouraging me 😊❤

 SHE NEVER TOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora