09| Drowning

15 3 0

My sister got to know that I was using her phone discreetly but never knew what I was doing with it. She got me implicated but that was all.

Soon, I was  in my second year of highschool. The junior.

I was deep in the new world that I searched something new everytime. From 18+ rated to 21+ and it goes on. Until I got tired of doing it. I wanted more.

At the back of my mind,  I knew it was bad but I failed to get out of it. I would always try to but I fail everytime.


Then,  one unfortunate day, I found something new. On my sister's feed, I saw a new word. Porn stars .

I knew not what it meant but when I searched the dictionary, I got to know what it was. People who engage in pornographic and sexual graphics as their profession.

So I soon started my research. I went on Google to do my evil work. I never thought of the consequences of doing it.

I searched names of porn stars and I even memorized their names. I searched about famous porn sites too. 

I started to see and watch sinful things I supposed not to. I started drowning in the world of sins.

I even learnt to delete history after watching so I won't get caught. I was so drowning.

:(I get a feeling this will end so bad for Sofiah. What do you think?

And a quick reminder,  when you vote,  I feel on top of the world! ❤❤

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