Chapter 1 - State of Affairs

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Sitting comfortably on his chair, Shade flipped through the file that contained the details of his next operation. Browsing every detail in the contents, he wasted no time planning his future course of action, putting a thumb under his chin, setting him in tranquility.

"What do you think?" Averting his gaze from the file, he looked over to the operator standing at the other side of the table.

"A reconnaissance mission in Lungmen to acquire intel on Reunion's next move. Sounds easy enough." Shade plopped down the file on the table. "Other than the fact that it's not a solo mission, I have no qualms about it."

"You know full well why you're not allowed to go on a solo operation." The man retorted. "Your recruitment is a special case after all. Better be thankful to Dr. Kal'tsit that you're exempted from basic operator training."

"I'm not sure what you mean by exempted when I'm constantly following your orders. I see no difference." The Pythian operator sarcastically replied.

"Just take it as a condition." He chuckled, "Well then, I guess I don't need to explain the details of your mission. As for the brunt of it, you'll meet up with Amiya and the Doctor once you arrive, make connections with Penguin Logistics and Blacksteel after that, then do what you must for the intel gathering. Just don't antagonize the other operators, you got that?"

"No promises." Shade scoffed.

"I mean it. Best get along with them before you go and make situations worse. I've heard from a few operators that were with you on the first operation that you did unnecessary violence and started arguments with fellow operators. Now, I don't want to get any more ear-fulls for the next one so you better not cause more trouble. Fix that hostility of yours before it gets worse. And I swear, please don't resort to killing unless absolutely necessary."

"Okay, I get it. I'll try." The Pythia sighed in defeat. "...I have a question though. Why did you send me to Chernobog in the first place." Shade gave the operator an inquisitive look. "I heard that the stakes were high on that one, yet you just casually sent me without explaining the meat of it all. What's with that?"

"If you are smart enough, then you'll figure it out." The man bated.

"The hell do you mean?"

"Just think about what you saw in that operation, and things will come naturally. If you still don't get it, let me give you a hint." He crouched down onto Shade's level, meeting him eye to eye. "If you don't fully understand the scope of Rhodes Island's goal, then just think about what you saw in Chernobog. I won't say any more."

The words Shade heard flew past his head, not actually understanding what he was saying. Nevertheless, he decided to keep those words in mind in case he would ever need them.

"Alright, I have an operation to do in a while so you should get going and prepare for yours as well. Any questions?"

"No, just leave it to me. I'll get it done." Shade assured. "...actually I- never mind. I'll get going now." Shade stood up from his chair and proceeded to the doors of the room. 

"Remember what I told, don't-"

"I get it, I don't need a repeat. See you soon, Misery." Without looking back, he exited, leaving the composing Misery alone.

"..." Misery stared at the door for a bit, in thought. "...he's got your pragmatic side alright." He muttered, thinking about someone. "I guess I'll make time to get him fully accustomed to the landship, otherwise he might cause even more trouble for everyone... good grief, it really is uncanny how much he resembles you... " He smiled before leaving the room as well, off to his duties.

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