Chapter 5 - Eye of the Hurricane

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"Ugh..." Frostnova seethed in the pain from Shade's slash across her body. "W-Why do this now... if you were this capable..."

"I don't have to tell you my reasons." The grim scowl was still present on Shade's face as he spoke in his endless void. "I never thought that I would be pushed this far. I commend you, Frostnova. You pissed me off so much that I had to resort to... these measures."


"Agh!" Frostnova shrieked as the blade pierced her shoulder, causing her to trip and fall over.

"This is for one of your men shooting an arrow at my... comrade..." He sent terror down her spine. "I never knew why your kind would be this merciless to the innocent. Well, I doubt you're innocent yourself."

"Innocent?" Frostnova looked contemptuously, "How would you know the meaning of innocent? Have you suffered for years on the tundra? Have you stolen food for your brethren? Have you seen innocent infected kids get killed for existing? Have you ever lived a single day where you wished you and your people would be free from unfiltered prejudice?"

"I don't." He answered back. "And believe me, I know how you feel despite me being non-infected."

"Then why side with people who stop our cause?" She questioned with scorn.

"...Rhodes Island isn't what you think it is." Shade eased his expression. "I may be just a new operator, but even during my short time there, I would know. Know that their cause is true and just. Unlike yours, they don't resort to needless bloodshed." He raised his bayonet. "Well, I won't keep on rambling. I know that you won't buy anything I say, it would be pointless."


"Urgh!" Shade stabbed her thigh this time. "I-Is this your way of revenge? For what I did to your people? D-Despicable, what makes you d-different from the rest of us? Inhumane... merciless... yet you claim that Rhodes Island is righteous?"

"They are. I'm not." He pushed the dagger deeper into her thigh. "I'm as every ounce of despicable as you can imagine. I'm nothing but a former bounty hunter who works for an organization that has what I want."

"Ungh!" She squirmed as he removed his bayonet.

"And in my eyes, letting you live will bring problems to my employers. I'm not as nice as that eyesore-inducing elite operator. I'll make sure you never walk again." He raised his weapon once more, his conviction now stronger than before. "Be grateful that I promised not to kill anyone. But this is the end of your usefulness. Goodbye."

Dread filled the Cautus's eyes as she closed them, ready to accept that grim fate that was about to befall her. But as seconds passed, nothing befell. It was odd, she slowly opened her eyes and was stunned to see that the view of the ruins was back.

"W-Wha..." She darted around and saw a scene that was familiar to her.

Frostnova notices that her brethren and some accompanying Reunion thugs were slowly getting up from the mind attack that Shade had left them. They were all so confused, wondering what just happened as their mind was still in shambles from the excruciating pain that they previously felt.

"...urk!" Speaking of pain, Frostnova recoiled from the stinging sensation rupturing from her chest. She looked down and was horrified to see the massive slice across her body, tearing through her clothes, and completely scarring her cold skin. "...but..." She also noticed that the stab wounds she got from the void of Shade's arts were not there, but the slash remained still.

"W-What just happened?"

"My head... it still stings..."

"T-That bastard... what the hell did he do to us?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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