Chapter 3 - Journey to Peace

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"It's dangerous to lose focus on the battlefield," Ch'en said sternly, her expression as serious as ever.

"I'm sorry... I'm just, having trouble understanding," muttered Amiya, dropping the phone onto the ground with a clatter. Finally bringing himself to comfort her, the black-haired Sarkaz placed a hand on the girl's shoulders. The Cautus looked up at him and smiled weakly.

"Apologies, Madam Ch'en." Kyrin shook the debris off of his blade. "Any news on enemy movement?"

"Reunion has bunkered down in an abandoned mine, that W woman also went down with them." The Lung answered before turning to her men. "Hoshiguma, take our forces to surround the mines! We'll each take a squad and move in with Rhodes Island!"

"Yes sir!" shouted the armored officers as they moved in formation.

"For Lungmen's sake... we'll bring Misha back!" Ch'en spoke with a certain fervor towards the Rhodes Island operators before turning to deal with her men. Eventually, slaughter ensued as both sides clashed with hatred toward the other. Standing there, Kyrin realized, they were just fighting violence with violence. Glancing at the sword in his hand, the Sarkaz was perturbed, something wasn't right. And right he was, as the Reunion forces' morale seemed to dip, a black-clothed figure walked onto the battlefield.


"No way, he's back?"

The white-masked goons cheered as their supposedly dead leader returned to their ranks, but Kyrin could only look in absolute disbelief and horror. The body of this Skullshatterer appeared a lot more feminine, and that could only mean one thing.

"Amiya-" His silver eyes met her blue ones; she was confused and shocked. She was frozen on the spot despite the violence surrounding them. "Are you-"

"Tsk... Stop treating her like a child." Ch'en's cutting voice interrupted him. "That's enough, it's time to put an end to this."

"..." The Sarkaz quieted down, he knew she was right. Amiya looked up at the female Lung, her eyes the same, and opened her mouth to speak. But nothing came out.

"There is one thing I must tell you." The Lung's red eyes narrowed as she lifted one of her swords, specifically the black one, "From now on, you better start treating all Infected the same way... as your enemy. If you want to hate someone, then just hate me." She then began walking away, but a voice stopped her in her tracks.

"...That's not right," Kyrin spoke up, a sense of solemnity shining in his silver eyes. With the shadow his bangs cast on his face, his eyes almost glowed. "As an Infected, you should know that."

"What?!" Ch'en's sword suddenly turned towards the Sarkaz's throat. They were far away from the others so no one else had heard the shocking accusation. "Do you understand the gravity of your accusation, elite operator Kyrin?"

"Madam Ch'en, I have no reason to make fake accusations towards you." The man answered, unfazed by the sword pointed at him. "My Arts... I can feel the Originium in your veins." Lightning flashed upon the formerly dark sky, a harbinger of a deluge. Ch'en remained silent for a moment.

"We have things to do, Kyrin, we'll have this conversation afterward."

"...Why are you bearing all this weight alone?"

"It's time. LGD, attack!"

A wave of armored Lung rushed past him, washing the blue-haired woman away and back out onto the battlefield. Lifting his head to look at the sky, he followed the LGD to find Amiya standing face to face with 'Skullshatterer'.

"Amiya... I guess this was our fate all along." The Reunion leader then lifted 'his' grenade launcher, aimed towards Amiya and RI.

Casting her Arts, black sparks flew from Amiya's ringed fingers as she lifted her hand. Rushing to her side, the elite operator guarded her flank with his ebony blade, which was now emanating a crimson aura from the blood within it. Swiftly, Kyrin deflected the shrapnels which flew from 'Skullshatterer's' explosive rounds. Their enemy's stance was awkward, it was clear that she's never been in a fight before. Support fire came from their rear as RI ranged operators fired upon the Reunion soldiers. Bodies dropped onto the dirt from both sides as the battle dragged on. As he fended off any attackers, the Sarkaz dipped his finger into the pools of blood of the deceased masked men.

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