ACT IV - PIRATE THRONE: Part 3 - Old love never dies

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Couple days later Kion was on the market shopping, he would be spending last days fighting in the tournament waiting for a word about Shark's location from Janja but it looked like looking for her is like looking for needle in haystack.

Kion: (in mind) Shark must have heard someone took Kraken and Cleaver down so finding her will be a lot harder. Let's hope Janja knows where to look.

While he was in his thoughts he bumped into someone who was also buying there and both of them dropped their shop on the ground.

???: Hey watch it! - said a female voice that was somehow familiar to Kion while the person kneeled to grab his things.

Kion: I'm sorry. Wait, i will help. - he said also kneeling.

They were grabbing female's things in silence untill Kion placed his hand on female's, both of them looked at each other and their eyes widen while Kion's heart started to beat faster, the female revealed to be a cheetah and had a heart-shaped spot on the forehead that he would recognize everywhere.

Kion/Fuli: Fuli/Kion?

Fuli: What are you doing here?

Kion: I could ask the same thing, what are you doing here? You hate water.

Fuli: Yeah. Well, you remember why i left Pridelands right?

Kion: Yeah, i remember. - he said remembering the worst day of his life.


Kion was on his way to meet up with Fuli, his friend told him that she wanted to talk with him about something. Kion decided to use this moment to finally confess his feelings to her, ever since he and Fuli became friends Kion wanted to spend as much time as he could, he sometimes was spending more time with her than Bunga. As the time flew and both of them became older Kion started to notice how beautiful Fuli is, how her smile made him happy, how adorable her laugh is to him and how much she means to him. Then Kion realised that Fuli is more than a friend to him, he wanted to be more than friends with her but he never could get courage to confess without being nervous around her. But today was different, Kion decided that it was now or never. After couple of minutes he got to the place and there she was, as beautiful as always standing on a hill facing him with her back.

Kion: Hey Fuli.

The cheetah turned her attention to him looking at him with her green emerald eyes that shined like diamonds in the night.

Fuli: Hey Kion, i was starting to think that you won't come here.

Kion: What made you think like that? We are friends Fuli, i would never turn on you.

Fuli: Yeah, i know. Listen, there's something i wanted to tell you, i have been wondering for a long time and i'm ready.

Kion was suprised, he didn't knew what she wanted to tell him, he knew Fuli was a little bit introverted but she would open up to him. Then he started to think that Fuli wanted to meet him for the same reason he came here, he started to think that Fuli felt the same way as him. He felt happy.

Fuli: Kion, i'm leaving.

Kion: What are you talking about?

Fuli: I'm leaving the Pridelands.

At these words Kion could hear his heart break.

Kion: What? But, why?

Fuli: I'm going to find my family.

Kion: But you have a family. Me, Bunga, Kiara, my parents.

Fuli: I mean my real family.

Kion: The ones who left you?

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