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i'm in a bad mood and i need to get up early tomorrow even tho it's already half 12 am but anyway!

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i'm in a bad mood and i need to get up early tomorrow even tho it's already half 12 am but anyway!

my interests..... i actually don't have a lot and they're also a bit embarrassing.....

i'll tell you the phases i've been in and which ones i'm still interested in

okay so first of all i grew up absolutely obsessed with the anime naruto😭😭 literally my entire childhood until high school i was head over heels for kakashi
now im not rlly into it  that much..... i stopped watching boruto like a year ago bc i didn't rlly feel like watching it anymore but i would love to catch up on it one day and i definitely still like seeing fanarts popping up every once in a while especially sasusaku arts man i love them
actually if it wasn't for naruto i probably wouldn't have started writing fanfics

okay my next phase.....😭 this was the worst one and i'll just say right now i hate them. /srs i will not elaborate. but this phase was indeed the lovely bts phase. i think i was an army for like 3 years? then they went to shit and i started playing genshin so thank god i lost interest they just piss me off now tbh i liked just any kpop too but i don't listen to it anymore but icl the old 3rd gen music sounded so good now they're all annoying lol not to mention ljke so many groups especially bgs r just problematic but whatever
also if you've been following me long enough you might have seen the discontinued bts fics i had on my page that i promptly deleted in embarrassment when delusion began to become popular they were so bad anyway😭

okay during these phases i also had a miraculous phase. as embarrassing as it is..... i still am very much into miraculous....... IT HAS SHITTY WRITING BUT I CANT HELP ITTTTT😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and season 4 ended horrifyingly good so now I Have To Know What Happens. i literallt used to watch miraculous animatics on yt all night when i was 13 god it was the good times i loved sobbing to them

i also had a very short saiki phase this was actually before it got popular it was around my naruto phase when i was younger where i rewatched it like 9 times in a row i just found it so funny and good😭 i still love saiki himself icl maybe i should rewatch it sometime soon

and then my genshin phase came like right at the start of covid and i think i'm finally getting out of it but my diluc phase still remains. like my interest in genshin is diminishing but for some reason diluc always remains right at the front of my mind..... he's begging me to stay.

but these days i spend most of my time on project sekai!!!!! no i did not start playing it because of that damn albedo scara xiao ifuudoudou mmd (i hate scaramouche and xiao as well also i only found out it was that song bc of tiktok bc i didn't recognise it bc i never watched that video myself😭😭😭)  i started playing bc my irl is a RHYTHM GAME NERD!!!!!! xe begged me to play goddamn🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 anyways it's so fun i've been playing it for.... 6 months now and i can now finally fc master songs and it also introduced me to vocaloid songs!!!!!!! so u can guess what i only listen to now these days. i am in love with Megurine Luka.

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