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amogus with big shoes

amogus with big shoes

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Thunder was booming. Rain was pouring. The dark sky was only to be illuminated by the split second of lightning.

The red-haired boy stood at the large door before him, gasping and gasping and gasping for air.

What just happened?

His hands were trembling. His knees were trembling.

He stared at his hands.

His lips were trembling.

His life...

His life was trembling. Trembling, toppling over, falling apart.

He didn't know why he ran here. He didn't know what had happened; what happened to the knights there, the carriage.

What happened to Kaeya?

Why are my hands bloodied?

There was blood. On his hands.

Diluc had never seen blood on his hands before.

His fresh, white gloves. Dripping with a mixture of rain and pure crimson.

Diluc's entire body shook. His stained hands, his shoulders, his eyes.

His blood red, scarlet eyes. Shaking, shrunken, shaking, shaking.

This wasn't real. This wasn't real. This wasn't real, this wasn't real, this wasn't real, THIS WASN'T REAL!

He wasn't standing anymore.

The young Diluc's knees sank into the wet mud.

He was screaming.

Screaming, screaming, gripping the grass beneath him, angry, hopeless, hopeless hopeless, USELESS FUCKING TEARS –SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME!


"Diluc! Luc," a sob, "Luc, hey, shh shh shh..."

A familiar pair of arms wrapped around his hunched figure, removing his bloody hands from the ripped ground, holding him tight, clutching him, clutching him so close, so so close.

"Luc, hey... It's okay, it's okay..."

Diluc gripped onto him, screaming, screaming, crying out for help, pleading for it to not be true.

It couldn't be true. IT COULDN'T BE TRUE.

"Kae," Diluc bawled.

"Father's gone. He's gone."

Kaeya stared at the ground, new tears trickling down his cheeks. "I know, I know... Shh..."

"He's dead!" Diluc cried out. "He's fucking dead!"


His breathing was ragged, his chest heaving unevenly, his nails digging into his brother's shoulder.

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