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also here's some writing i originally wrote for my birthday thing but didn't like it so i abandoned it

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also here's some writing i originally wrote for my birthday thing but didn't like it so i abandoned it

delusion!y/n x diluc - not part of the story, just pure fluff hehe

• third person •

It hasn't been so long since the first kiss. Perhaps a day or two, three if you will.

No, it must have only been one day. What day is it today? No, wait.

(Y/N) had simply lost track of time since that kiss. She was the one who had initiated it yet every single second she couldn't keep her mind off it.

Diluc was her boyfriend. She had a boyfriend.

She had a boyfriend! And it was Diluc!

Tycoon of the wine industry, nobleman of Mondstadt, richest bachelor... ohhh you landed yourself a good one, (Y/N), she praised herself. Her hand covered her face, her eyes wide, crimson as a tomato.

It's not even that... he's handsome, so kind, and talented too... Is he perfect? No... he's a little on the stupid side sometimes. (Y/N) giggled.

Currently, she sat upon Diluc's bed, patiently waiting for him to finish off some remaining paperwork.

In fact, Diluc was right in the room with her. It was just that he was so immersed in his work, (Y/N) had decided not to talk to him or distract him.

She was ogling at him the entire time to be honest. His messy scarlet hair was pulled back into a bun, and, believe it or not, he was wearing glasses! (Y/N) never would have thought Diluc needed glasses, but she guessed perhaps that was what happens when you're around fire all the time.

I can't get used to this.

He's so... so gorgeous. No one told me he was even more attractive when he's just working casually at home.

All of a sudden, (Y/N) snapped up on the bed. Diluc had simply leant back in his chair, taking a large yawn, his big hand covering his mouth. He blinked upon noticing the abrupt movement upon his bed, slowly turning to meet eyes with her.

(Y/N) blushed, her mouth falling open in silence.

A soft sigh left his lips as he stood, gradually approaching the bed. (Y/N) stared up at him with wide eyes.

"Sorry," he mumbled as he sat next to her. "I must be boring you... You came here for your claymore lessons but all I've been doing since you arrived is work. We can get started n–"

Diluc's face reddened when (Y/N) let out another giggle, pointing towards the window. "I think it's a bit late for lessons now," she teased.

Diluc's chest fell, turning back towards (Y/N). "Ah, sorry... I didn't realise the time."

"I could tell!" (Y/N) laughed quietly. "It's okay. I wasn't bored. I like spending time with my boyfriend, even if it's in silence."

Blood rushed to Diluc's cheeks at the newly given title. "O-oh. A-alright then."

He's still so awkward... So cute...

For a short moment, they simply stared into each other's eyes, as deep as the ocean, as gentle as the wind.

Diluc was the first to look away, clearing his throat. (Y/N) only maintained the gentlest of smiles.

"No need to ask if you want to do something... What happened to your sudden boldness from the other day?" (Y/N) teased again.

Diluc's breathing staggered a little. (Y/N)'s head tilted as he neared closer, his hand gradually reaching up.



(Y/N) leant into his touch as he cupped her cheek.

A warm smile slowly rose upon Diluc's face, their pupils meeting again. A chuckle escaped him as their noses bumped.

"Am I really your boyfriend? You really see me that way?" he questioned, his crimson eyelashes fluttering. "Really?"

"You're the only one I'd ever want to call my boyfriend," (Y/N) replied simply. That was the only thing she had to say, before the blood in Diluc's cheeks began to rush again.

She tugged off his thin-rimmed glasses, delicately pulling out his messy bun. Diluc was only mesmerised by her beauty throughout.

"Would you kiss me again?" Diluc asked.

"'Would you', or 'Will you'?" (Y/N) laughed.

Diluc's heart pounded against her. They were so close.

"Because I definitely would." (Y/N) smiled, leaning in. "And I definitely will..."

Their lips touched for just a moment. (Y/N) was about to pull away.

Diluc tugged her right back into the kiss again.


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