Please Help

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Guys I know I really, really, really suck.  I haven't update in like 50 years, and the main reason is because I don't know what to write about for my next chapter, and I am NOT giving up on this story.  So guys I want your thoughts on what to do, you all have amazing ideas please tell me, the first 5 people who try to give advice I'll give you guys full credit for the chapter, I know it won't help you guys that much since I'm not the most know wattpadder, but still I want you guys to get recitation for your idea.  For the people who actually enjoy my book I'm am sincerely sorry for not updating in forever.  Well guys hopefully the next chapter is actually about Henry and Charlotte.  Bye guys talk to y'all later.

Here is the question
Who is Wemily, and what show are they from?

I'm sorry if none of this made sense while I was writing I just got so lost in my thoughts, so for the third time I'm sorry.

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