Two Chapters In One

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The Speech:
Charlotte pov:
It was the last day of school and I was stuck in a wheelchair, only because the doctors didn't want me to be super active at the time. Surprisingly even though I was in the hospital for a month, I was voted smartest girl in school, and so I had to say a speech. I rolled up to the stand, held the the cards in my hand, then started to say the pre-existing speech. "Hello my fellow students, I just want to thank...thank." That's when I threw the cards I was reading behind then I started to speak from the heart. "Ok, all of you know I was shot, but I'm actually happy I got shot. A lot of us right now don't think anything matters, everything is easy, and that we don't have worry about anything, to all of those who believe that, your not going to survive a year in high school. I'm not going to lie, I used to think like that, I used to think I'd live forever, and nothing bad will ever happen to me, of course I was wrong. After I got shot my mind went straight to a place called The Zone. It's between life and death, and while I was there I realized that life isn't easy, and it's going to get harder and harder as we get older. While I was in the hospital the one person who would vist me everyday was Henry, the love of my life. I learned that without love, compassion, understanding, and friendship life is not worth living. So guys, gals don't take life and all the opportunities you are given for granted. High school is the next step for all of us, and it's not an easy step to take, but if you listen to what I just said to you, and if you have love and friendship with you through this new experience, you'll be able to do anything. That's all I have to say, and I can't wait to see you all Swellview High next year." I roll away from the stand then I started to hear what I was hoping for, applause. Hen comes running up the stage, then he bends down and hugs me. Then he whispers "I'll be there for you through step" then a tear from his eyes lands on my shoulder, I then started to cry in his arms.

Hunter and Mason (The boys in the picture):
"Then what happens Gramy" says the two boys. Charlotte, or as her grandkids call her Gramy, laughed sighed then says "then we finished up the graduation ceremony, and threw our caps in the air, then it was summer." "But what about high school" moans Mason (the light skinned one). "Yeah, what happens to you guys in high school, please continue the story" says Hunter. Henry, or Papa smiles then says "we'll tell you two about high school if..." "you two can be nice to each other for a month" Charlotte says interrupting Henry. Henry nods in agreement, and then waits for a response from the twins. They fake discuss it for about a minute, then they say "we agree, if you promise to tell us every single detail." Charlotte and Henry promise in unison, then the boys run up stairs to play nice.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in like years, but I didn't write this like a few weeks ago, but I made a huge mistake, so I had to delete the part. Then when untried to save it after I finished again it wouldn't save, and it kept on doing this over and over, so I then decided to take a break from writing on wattpad. If you didn't get the second part I'm basically telling you guys I'm doing a sequel to this story about high school, and I'm starting that story in a month. Also guys I just want to thank all of you guys so much for being there for me, for supporting me with all my ideas, and helping me with my story. I want to give a big thanks to @nerdy_is_the_newpink, because she was my very first voter and commenter, thank you for giving me hope that my story would be big, which it is kind of big, when I first got the idea to start the book, I thought I'd get like five views and that's it. Thank y'all so much for proving me wrong, and I can't wait to start the sequel. Thank y'all again, talk to y'all later...BBBYYYEEE.

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