Chapter 1

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(Nik's Pov)

Yes,I think i was telling you about the wishes i asked for.

So the first one was......Immortality? No who needs it when you have eternal lifesapn?

High magic reserves?No....Who need this,Rias in canon surpass Grafiya in just few months of training,Can we call it training?

Anyway,What i mean is,I already have exeptionally high magic,Having a draconic body does grant high magic powers.

And do you know,The more magic you have,The more it will be difficult to control it.

And The better the control you have,More your magic will increase.

And Thatswhy i chose To have better control at magic.

And i don't regret this decision of mine.

The second one-I chose neithe of them but Rizevim's abilty to cancel sacred gear,Yes This ability is one of my favourites.

If opponent can't use their gear,How will they survive?

So i chose Sacred gear canceller abilty.

And For the last one,I asked for abilities of Shadow monarch.

Well i shall explain what does it grant me-

First-Unparalleled physical strength

Second-Incredible senses

Third-Full control over shadows

Fourth-Rulers authority-Ability to control and move objects

Fifth-Shadow exchange-It allows user to teleport long distances using shadows

To explain it better,I have to mark someone's shadow once and it will a part of my army,And If the said person is far far away frome,I can just use that person's shadow as a portal to travel.

Isn't it amazing?

And Also if i marked someone's shadow,I can make that person do whatever i want,Thats called shadow possesion.

What do you say?I am real Goat.

And Sixth-I can extract a dead persons shadow and Keep it in my army.

Seventh-I can boost my armies strength by giving my own to them.

So basically,i am a hades who controls shadows.

Well this is all the powers i have now.

But to become the strongest devil ever born,Would they be enough?

Anyway,I heared my mother was calling to me.

I got up from my bed and looked at mirror and saw my reflection.

My dark black hair with purple bangs,I surely look badass for sure.

And if you think i still don't look badass,Then see my eyes.

I have Heterochromia.....Before you ask,No this is not a incurbale disease.

This means i have eyes of different colours.

Well my left eye is black while Right is Blood red.

Thanks my dragon mother for it,She have blood red eyes and I got one from her along with black hair.

While purple hair is from my father,He too have same hairs as me,But Grey with purple bangs which he got from his parents.

And I also have a piercing in my right ear,Made out of gold with a small voilet jewel in it.

Why do i have this?I also not know the reason.

First i got my ear one,As Everyone in valefor family have it.

So did i,As the heir i had to keep it.

Now less talking more walking,Its been a while since mother called me,If i got late she might won't let me play videogames for days.

And I walked to the hall where my parents were,And My father asked"So nik,Would you like to go with us to a devil gathering"

"No"Was my simple response

Father looked at mother"See i already told you,He don't want to go to boring gathering and Nor do i"

I guess we both are just lazy to go at gatherings,I think he is the one responsible for my lazyness.

"But We are nobles,And We have to attend these gatherings,We can't ignore them even if they are borinh"Mother said

"Boring as hell"I added

"No actually boring in hell"Father joked as we three laughed

"Now Nik,Go and get dressed we are going"Mother strictly said

I looked at my father with pleading eyes and He sadly said"Sorry little one,This time i can't help you or your mother will beat me,But how about we go to human world for a movie after this boring gathering"

"ice-cream after movie?"I asked with stars in my eyes,I am a kid again maybe my brain is of kid as well,A bit matured one,But how can i kid say no to ice-cream bribe.

"You got it"He smiled as i said going back to my room"Just wait a moment i will right here,Then we will go to human world"

And i ran to my room,Now its time to attend a devil gathering

Thats it for the chapter

I revealed the powers he have,What do you say?Were they worth it?

Thanks for reading

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