Chapter 6

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A week flew by. Airi's routine now was to walk to school, eat with Akashi during first and second break, then go to basketball training until 5:30pm, then walk home. She was less wary of Akashi now, since he seemed to be kinder to her than other students by a large margin. Occasionally, his himedere side would order her around, but she learned to live with it. There was training on Saturdays, so Airi's mornings were taken. Her Saturday evenings would be occupied with any paperwork her parents would send her. She was, after all, still the heiress to the Yunabami Corporation, the Momobami investments and business branch. On Sundays, Airi decided she would go to the public library to read and study during the day, and practice piano on Sunday nights. Music, despite being forced by her parents to do it, was a stress release outlet for all the hard work and little sleep she put in and had during and after school hours.


"It's still a bit weird that you call me that."

Not following his proposal of calling her Ri-chan relieved the said girl. Akashi had said it sounded too informal and ridiculous for someone like her. She didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Instead, to tease her a little, he called her Airi-chan which would make her turn a bit red and make her stutter at him to stop. He was indeed a sadist.

"Get used to it, Airi-chan. Are you prepared for your speech?"

"Of course."

Today was the day she would give her speech as to why she should be elected as president. Even though she had a secure position, she still didn't want her cohort to think she was only selected because of her status. She had to be worthy.

As the 'Emperor and Empress', the nickname the entire school created for the pair, walked down the hallway, the crowd once again tried to keep a distance from them, parting and letting them walk through. Akashi didn't seem to care. If anything, he found it normal, even a necessity for someone like him. 

The third year's assembly hall was larger than the first year's one by tenfold since it was the assembly hall where performances and awards ceremonies were held. Since the 'emperor and empress' were candidates, they sat in the front two rows. Because of their names, Airi was seated right behind Akashi. The other candidates were notably older than them, mainly 3rd years.

Once again, the slightly chubby, shiny headed principal came onto the stage. This time, the venue was filled to the brim since all the students were in the same assembly hall.

"Good morning to all students of Rakuzan. As you know..."

Once again, Airi zoned out, making sure to lock her gaze onto the slightly crooked tie the principal wore as to look as though she was paying attention. Today, her hair was tied in a neat pony, complemented with a large black bow. She already triple checked her tie, getting approval from her one and only friend, the emperor.

"We will now commence the speeches. First up, Akashi Seijuro."

The mention of her friend's name made her snap out of whatever thoughts she was having, focusing on Akashi's speech. Of course, it was nothing short of spectacular. Not that she payed any attention. All she could focus on was his piercing heterochromatic eyes and large and demanding presence. There was something almost magical about him. With his perfect hair to his flawless speech, Airi knew that he had captivated the entire audience. He captivated them so much that they forgot to clap. Leading the silent audience confidently, she clapped loudly and began the ear-splitting applause that followed shortly after.

"Thank you, Akashi Seijuro. Next..." 

As he walked down from the stage and returned to his seat, Airi gave him a small smile, a signal of her approval. He didn't smile back, merely raising his eyebrows before taking his seat.

"Finally, Yunabami Airi."

Taking a deep breath, Airi walked up the steps, going through her speech one last time before approaching the microphone.

A/N: Hope this helps someone with their actual speech for any position :D

"My fellow peers, I ask you to consider this, what is leadership? To me, leadership needs a leader. A leader is a communicator, an individual with the ability to share their vision with others. A leader is passionate, with something that drives their leadership. They have a goal. They inspire their team through their dedication. I have experienced many aspects of leadership and my experiences have more than prepared me for the challenges that lie ahead. I believe I can lead us towards growth, both individually and as a collective. In closing, when electing your student council president, I ask you to consider your definition of leadership. Is it winning a popularity contest? Is it bathing in its benefits? Or is it demonstrating a desire for developing strength as both group and individual? My name is Airi Yunabami and I thank you for your undivided attention."

Thunderous applause filled the audience as Airi, for the nth time, let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Rushing down the steps, she quickly brushed past Akashi and took her seat.

"What an outstanding note to end on. Please vote for your desired candidates in order of first to last with 1 being most desired to 10 being least desired. Your homeroom teachers will collect your voting slips at the end of the day. Dismissed."

The students immediately filed out, in a rush to go out to first break.

"Airi-chan. Let's go to the library."

Knowing there was no point in arguing, she picked up her bag and slung it over her left shoulder, since Akashi was walking on her right. Together they walked towards the library together, shoulders barely touching.

"Any reason you suddenly wish to go to the library?"

"We are going to play shogi."

"I have never played shogi in my life."

"I know. I'll teach you."

"How exactly do you know I've never played?"

As they turned the corner to an emptier hallway, Akashi stopped, causing Airi to follow. 


She let out an involuntary gasp. She had felt this aura before, and never would she get used to it. His gaze fell on her, and she found herself unable to meet his eyes for more than a mere moment. Looking at her shoes, she gulped as his shoes came into her field of vision. His hand rested on his shoulder, causing her to flinch. 

"Don't ever question me, Airi. I know everything. I am absolute."

The daunting threat consumed her mind for the next few days. Even so, she still managed to choke out a response.


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