DISCLAIMER& Introduction

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This story is a work of pure fiction all characters,places,events,etc. are fictional and not based on reality and true story and made with author's imagination.

The story contains mature contents including mature themes,sexual scenes, strong language and etc. so please read at you're own risk.This story is for matured readers only and readers under age are not allowed.

I know you guys will ignore this warning but please if you feel uncomfy with the r-18 chapters feel free to leave or skip chapters.

Again!this is just a fiction and not based on true story so please don't take this seriously.

[!]:Im not a professional writer and this is my first time writing a story so you might encounter some grammar errors,typos,and misspelled words while reading the story.Feel free to comment your feedbacks on the story so i may be aware.


So this story is about two strangers who accidentally fell inlove to each other because of an unexpected circumstances in their lives. But a wall has blocked them in a midst of their love for each other. And now finding a way to pass through the wall of their roller coaster of emotion experiences.

From strangers to lovers to strangers again?

From strangers to lover to strangers and lovers again?

Loving Mr.StrangerWhere stories live. Discover now