quick headcanons

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sexuality headcanons:

Gay - Inosuke, Muichiro, Uzui, Rengoku, Giyuu

Lesbian - Kanao, Nezuko, Shinobu, Makio

Bi - Zenitsu, Sanemi, Suma

Pan - Tanjiro, Genya, Mitsuri

Aromantic - Aoi

Asexual - Zenitsu, Nezuko, Rengoku, Aoi

Demi - Obanai, Hinatsuru

Trans - Zenitsu(ftm),

they're all pretty fruity lmao

relationship headcanons:

Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma, Uzui - lavender marriage | the three wives look up to Uzui, but they don't want to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with him

Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma - together❤

Uzui, Rengoku - Idiots in love, though they haven't made anything official

Rengoku, Mitsuri, Giyuu - unspoken sibling bond | Mitsuri and Rengoku are very competitive, and Giyuu just stands out of the way, watching the chaos

Mitsuri, Obanai - Pretty much the same as canon, but it's a bit more clear to Mitsuri that Obanai's the one for her

Mitsuri, Shinobu - Shinobu's more of a simp than Mitsuri is to be honest | Mitsuri has no idea that Shinobu likes her romantically

Obanai, Sanemi - Unspoken best friends 

Sanemi, Giyuu - Sanemi gets really flustered whenever Muichiro points out how obvious the two are being | Giyuu keeps giving Sanemi ohagi and Sanemi occasionally takes Giyuu out to get simmered salmon | Neither will admit to liking each other | Giyuu has a thing for scarred men. Convince me otherwise.

Giyuu, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke - All 4 of them look up to Giyuu like a big brother

Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, Genya - Kamaboko Squad ✨ | Muichiro often joins them by Tanjiro's request (simp)

Zenitsu, Inosuke - Inosuke likes him, but doesn't understand what the feelings mean, he just knows that they make him feel fuzzy | Zenitsu doesn't actually like Nezuko romantically, he's just in denial

Tanjiro, Muichiro - Cute oblivious idiots💙❤

(Let me know if you want anymore headcanons on relationships)

personal headcanons:

Tanjiro - Has a habit of internally screaming whenever Zenitsu or Inosuke do something dumb

Zenitsu - His emotions are heightened and he's very sensitive, so if he's feeling proud of himself, he'll come off as being cocky, but he doesn't realize it

Inosuke - (The first thing that came up in my suggested words was gay) Kanao's trying to teach him how to read

Nezuko - She's really nice, but when it comes to attitudes, she kinda acts like Muichiro

Kanao - She has a mini obsession with playing with hair, but she's too shy to tell anyone but Nezuko

Muichiro - Is working on memory retaining habits; flash cards, writing things down, repetition

Genya - Is really good at cooking and sewing 

Giyuu - He sleeps with his haori

Sanemi - He likes sparring with Giyuu

Mitsuri - Can't cook for shit

Obanai - Also can't cook for shit

Shinobu - Can cook | cooks for Mitsuri and Obanai bcuz they're idiots

Uzui - He makes jewelry, like the ones he wears, which is why he has such a strong grip

Rengoku - He has jewelry from Uzui but since it doesn't go with his uniform, he keeps it in a really pretty display

Gyomei - When Sayo found out that Gyomei wasn't in jail anymore, she sent him a bunch of handmade origami cats

(Let me know if you want more personal headcanons)


Idk what else to do lol

tell me what you want, and I'll update this lol

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