Run (Short)

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"Alright. Next one. Are y'all calmed down?" Alina asked.

"I think we are good now." Kirishima answered.

"Alright." Sidero said. She turned on the next universe.


"That's all we are getting?" Sidero said hitting the remote with her palm.

"Perse said to stop. She didn't want to spoil the whole video." Rowan whispered to Sidero. Sidero rolled her eyes. "Perse says she saw that... You might wanna run." Rowan whispered worryingly.

"I get it! Thanks Persephone! Fine!" Sidero yell whispered.

"Who's Persephone?" Kirishima asked.

"It's no one. Now let's continue." Sidero said angrily. No one wanted to ruffle her feathers more so they looked at the screen.

The screen shows Ururaka and Deku laying against a wall.

"I'm hungry... I hope Kacchan will will come back soon." Deku says as his stomach growls.

"Why don't they cook their own food?" Denki asked. Alina averted her eyes from Denki. Sidero was still a little pissed. And Rowan said a prayer for Ururaka and Deku later. 

"What you should be asking is why they are acting weird." Kirishima whispered.

The camera panned to all the food on the ceiling. Ururaka and Deku looked at it sighing.

"You sure?" Ururaka asked.

"Kacchan/Bakugo is going to kill us for sure." Ururaka and Deku thought.

"HECK YEAH IM GONNA KILL YOU EXTRAS!" Bakugo yelled fuming. He almost lunged at Ururaka but Dadzaw- *cough cough* sorry- Aizawa grabbed Bakugo with his scarf.

Sure enough, Bakugo is walking towards a running Deku and Ururaka.

Rowan was still praying for the Midoriya and Ururaka in that universe. 

"wow. A short title for an even shorter video. Hope you guys like it because I will be talking to someone for a while. Rowan and Alina, entertain them while I give some choice words to a certain someone." Sidero spoke angrily already storming out.

"That was not very appropriate! You are the host and brought us here! You should at least be kind!" Iida spoke karate chopping the air. Sidero just flipped him off and turned the corner so he didn't see her. Iida fainted into Ururaka.

"Is he ok? Kero" Tsu said worried. 

"I'm sure he's fine." Alina said breaking the chaos. "This will make the girls happy, let's play truth or dare to pass the time." 

"YES!" All the students shouted, except Bakugo who groaned. Bakugo eventually gave in and started playing.

Sorry it's so short, I wanted to update and I'm having so many ideas pile on top of each other that I have a lot of drafts. I'll try writing them but idk yet. School is stressful.

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