Kirishima because Yes

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"Onto the next one since Sidero is taking a while. Let's do one about Kirishima! I think we have an extra one about him!" Alina said as everyone was finished playing games.

"We can watch someone else! I don't want to take away an opportunity for someone else to have a video! Everyone is super manly!" Kitishima started, then finished as the girls coughed, "and womanly?"

"This is why we need a video of you! Your super kind!" Ururaka exclaimed. Everyone nodded and Alina gave a look to Kirishima asking him if he was ok with this. He nodded and Rowan started the video.

The video started with Kirishima talking into the camera.

Kirishima remembered this and immediately turned as red as his hair in embarrassment.

"So here's the thing I just realized, my voice in English, High Pitched! I sound stupid as Frick! I sound Tiny!" 

Alina and Rowan were already starting to get nose bleeds. And everyone was asking if they were ok.

"We are fine. But you won't in a second!" Alina said grabbing tissues. Everyone looked at each other and at Kirishima who still was embarrassed.

The video continues with Kirishima making a pose.

"But when I talk in Japanese..." Kirishima laughs speaking in Japanese with a low voice.

"K-KIRI?! IS THAT YOU?!" The girls yelled blushing and a certain boy was as well. (*Cough Cough* My KiriBaku Lover self *Cough Cough*)

"DANG NERD! WHO SAID YOU COULD POST SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! Bakugo yelled getting tissues blushing but trying to hide it. 

"I thought it would be funny!" Kirishima cried in response.

The video continued. "It'll be fine. After all, you're weak." Kirishima laughed again.

"BATHROOM BREAK!" Alina and Rowan yelled holding their bloody noses along with Bakugo. 

I should've said this when I started this, Sidero is Lesbian, Rowan is Pansexual, and Alina is a straight supporter. Just an Fyi.

Also, should I make "fanart" of Alina, Sidero, and Rowan and post it as a 1K read mark and thank you? If you guys want to make fanart as well I'd love that!

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