Fear Of loving

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Scenes from the previous chapter

Kao: I found you... My lost love!


Earth with the hand grabbed by Kao tries to get free.

Earth: Release P'!...

Kao grips tighter, not wanting to let go.

Kao: No! I won't let you go again... You won't run away from me again...

Earth not wanting to feel what he's feeling, looking into Kao's eyes he realized he feels something more, but what Kim did to him Earth can't forget, he doesn't trust, he doesn't believe that a man like Kao will love someone so simple like him, angry and wanting to completely push Kao away.

Earth: I still have scars from the last person I thought loved me.... I can't give you what you want P'... So please let me go...

Kao moves closer to him, grabs his face gently, loving him even if Earth pushes him away.

Kao: I don't want to know what this person did to you... I'm not that person... I'm another man... And this man here loves you! I can't forget the night we had... Kao touches his other hand to his face, holding both sides of his face... Please give me a chance...

Earth as he felt the air coming out of Kao's mouth, smelling his perfume in his nostrils, their lips close together almost touching each other.

Earth: stop! I can't... I can't... I'm afraid...

Kao: Don't be afraid... I swear I'm not his equal...

Earth feeling him close, wanting to kiss him again, Kao kisses him next to the bathroom door of the show where Kao's concert is taking place, the kiss was slow but started to reach maximum speed, Kao quickly starts pushing Earth into the bathroom, went into the bathroom with him, closes the door and locks it with one hand, puts Earth against the wall, with the speed of the kiss and the desire to have Earth right there, amidst the kisses, Kao takes his belt off Earth's pants, pulls down the zippers, removes one side of his pants, the other is still glued to Earth's legs, grabs both of Earth's buttocks, lifts Earth and puts him on his lap with his back against the wall, lowers his pants a little and penetrates his penis inside Earth, Earth grabs both sides of Kao's neck lifts his head up and opens his mouth as he feels Kao's penis entering him, groaning fervently through Kao's penis, both of them sweating nonstop even though they are wearing shirts.

Earth: ahh...ah...huh...P'...ahhh..

Kao hearing him moan, feeling Earth's hot hole, moaning along, not believing he's doing this again with the young man he loves.

The two are getting out of breath, sweating nonstop, the pleasure is possessing them both like a drug, the two kissing nonstop, hot steam of air coming out between their mouths, moans coming from both parts, Kao can't take it anymore, squeezes both Earth's buttocks hard and puts the whole liquid inside Earth, Earth looks at the ceiling, opens his mouth and squints his eyes, squeezes Kao's shoulder so hard, feeling every drop of the hot liquid entering him so fast, no believing that he had sex with this man once again, imagining every night he masturbated thinking about Kao.

Quickly pushes Kao, Kao surprised to be pushed, looks at Earth putting on his pants and leaving the bathroom quickly without saying anything. Kao runs to Earth, Earth arrives in front of the road, calls a taxi, taxi stops, Kao yells for Earth.

Kao: Earth! No...

Earth looks at Kao, sad to have to run away from Kao once again, he finally realizes that he loves this man who desperately calls him sweating with his shirt half open. Quickly Earth gets in the car and drives away, Kao runs after the car but can't stop the car, Earth shed tears.

Rinrada saw Kao and Earth running past her, went after the two, saw Earth's sad look, and Kao running after the car, as soon as Kao stopped Rinrada behind him didn't say anything turned his back to Kao and went after Earth.

Earth comes home crying, sits on the sofa in the living room, imagining the hot sex he had a few minutes ago with Kao, Kao's screams he was giving to stop the car.

Earth: Dammit!... Why did this have to happen to me one more time?!... Did I just have to love him?! ...

Rinrada knocks on his house door, Earth go answer, looked at Rinrada.

Rinrada: I saw what happened!... You ran away from him once again!...

Earth turns his back on her, Rinrada enters the living room, Earth sits, talking at the same time.

Earth: I just had sex with him one more time too...!

Rinrada widens her eyes and immediately sits next to Earth.

Rinrada: You what?! Had sex and ran away from him again Earth?!... But what's going on in your mind?!...

Earth got up from the couch.

Earth: I can't.... I just can't help but run away from him.... I'm afraid... I just realized I love him!... But I'm afraid of that... I don't.. .

Rinrada: You don't want to get hurt again... Is that it?!..

Earth looking at her, sits on the couch again, heaving a sigh.

Earth: Yes... I'm afraid of getting hurt again... I'm going to sleep... I need to see what I want out of my life...

Earth leaves and goes to the bedroom, lies on the bed and thinks about Kao, turns on he side, puts his legs together, hugs both legs, Earth cries out of fear and because he knows he loves someone but he can't move forward because of what Kim did to he.

Passing that night, a month passed.

Earth continued to work normally and trying to forget about Kao, Kao continued to look for Earth.

Earth went to a friend's bar, the bar was known to many people, Earth sat drinking while watching a kpop group perform on stage, Earth's friend worried goes to Earth.

: Earth I need your help please.. !

Earth surprised.

Earth: What help do you want?!

: I need you to dance today...

Earth: What?!..

He grabs both of Earth's hands and begs.

: Please... My dancer didn't come today because he ended up getting sick... Please you know how to dance and you already know the dances of my dancers here.. Please...

Earth didn't want to accept it but he accept. Kao and his friend go to a bar, lately Kao didn't want to do anything because of Earth, his friend seeing that Kao looked like a ghost trying to look for someone decided to take Kao to drink, when he arrived at the bar and sit right in front of the stage, lights go out and one lights up in front of the stage.

Earth on his back taking sensual steps, turns to look at people, Kao widens his eyes when he sees Earth in front of him, Earth sits in the chair in a sensual way, looking at the people who scream his name, Earth continues to dance looking at people, stops when he sees someone he knows perfectly well, widening his eyes.

Earth: P'!... P'Kao...!

KaoEarth "A Loste Love" Where stories live. Discover now