part 18 - no hard feelings?

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Today was awkward since Manu had scheduled an especially early morning training before the second day of the Wildcard Trials started. And I hadn't had the chance when I woke up to put ice on my eyes since they were swollen from crying. My eyes looked like hot dogs stuck together.

"Geez, Min, you look terrible." Bodhi said, bending down to match my height and pressed a finger on my eyelid and cringed. "Gahhhh— hopefully the cold water will flatten out that swelling. Were you crying last night?"

"It seems everyone is asking that..." I breathed out frustratingly and gave Ari a side-eye. He was looking my way and turned to talk to Manu which he made drop supplies. Dork. I snickered before catching myself. I'm supposed to be mad at him. Bodhi was still looking at me with a worried face. "Bodhi, don't worry. I'm fine. Just a bad night's sleep." I hold her hand and she breathed out relieved.

"Nothing like cold, frigid water at 5 A.M. to fix that!" I harshly whispered to Manu who was standing next to me. All he did was rest his elbow on my head. I see Poppy and Ari talk to each other for a minute then swim opposite ways.

"Looks like Poppy got herself a new boyfriend." He teased to me. I forgot he saw them kiss last night. "Boys are a distraction, Mina. I might not be your blood brother but you're under my watch. It's better to date yourself. Like me."

"You only say that because no one wants to date you." I replied and shoved his arm off my head.

"Someone's moody." Manu shoves me to the water. "Go catch some waves. The ocean will teach you a lesson."

I'll teach him a lesson with my fists later. I saw Ari in the corner of my eye walking to my direction. Might as well listen to Manu. I jump into the water before he can talk to me. Avoid him, Mina. Just for two days. You can do it. You're only goal right now is to get that Wild Card and into Subtropix 360. And talk to Poppy.

Friends before boys remember that.

I ran up to Poppy who was paddling the opposite direction of Bodhi and Marlon. "Poppy! Wait up!"

"What do you want, Mina?" Shoot. She sounds annoyed. She turns around to face me with an irritated look.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?" Is she really going to make me say it?

"Because of Ari..." I finally say.

"I'm more embarrassed." I give her a blank look before processing what she says.

"You're embarrassed because..."

"Because everyone saw me kiss Ari last night. You did. Our brothers did. And Ari didn't even stay with me last night. He went to you. He went to you." She emphasized on the last "to you". "Tell me the truth. You have a crush on Ari."

If I told her he kissed me, would she get even more mad at me? I can't afford having another fight with Poppy... again. But I might as well tell her that I like Ari but nothing came of it last night. I should just admit it now while she's still mad at me. Let her be super angry for a bit and we move past it. Good plan, Mina.

"I do have a crush on Ari. But I let him down last night." I said straight up. It was better to lay it all out on the table. Nothing to hide. "He kissed me."

"Great, so he's kissing sisters in one night. Awesome." Poppy slumped her body against the board.

"Technically you kissed him. And last night's kiss wasn't going to go anywhere." I tried to reassure her but she gave me a knowingly look. "You have my word when I say I'm not going to have anything to do with him."

I heard a splash behind me and see Ari looking at us a few feet away. He turned and paddled to Marlon and giving him a quick fist bump. My head started to pound loudly since I knew he heard me say I didn't want anything to do with him. It was going to be a hard few days.

"Why would you promise me that? I never said to stop talking to him." Poppy said. I gave her a slight shrug.

"I don't want us arguing anymore."

"I can't believe you'd think I'd let a boy get between us. If Manu found out, do you know how mad he'd get? Boys are a distraction." She imitated his dad-like voice. I laugh at her mock. Since Poppy's dad left, Manu had to assume the role of man of the house. It must be hard for him to take care of the family business their mom left and us. At least Poppy's dad sends money.

"You're right. It's dumb. No hard feelings?"

"No hard feelings. Blah!" She punches my shoulder softly. She swims away and I look at her body get smaller as she gets to shore.

"I have to tell you though. I'm dating Griff Temple now." I lied through my teeth. It sucks to lie like this but maybe Griff is a good guy. He could be a good friend if we still got along after this whole deal. After apologizing and making sure everyone is getting along with each other, I afford some fun.

Even if Ari heard me say that, it's something I won't follow up on. I'm only learning now that I can't be perfect for everyone. It's better to just go with the flow and now try to enjoy myself these two days left at the Wildcard Trials.

Besides. No hard feelings. I'm over Ari Gibson.


I'm so tired after Manu's horrible wake up call at five a.m. He's freaking crazy to make us surf and then make us surf again five hours later. I've barely managed to roll out of bed, surf, then try to shower again afterwards. People say not to wash your hair more than once every other day but I can't stand salty and crusty hair during a day's swim. If it dries after I just get out the sea water, it smells like mildew and I have a habit of chewing my hair in anxious situations.

I manage to put my long, light brown hair up into a ponytail. I wanted to keep it loose, but neat since my head shape isn't right for a slick and no-nonsense type of do. Keeping hairs out to frame my face is ideal. I'm always confused about the color of my hair, though. I guess since I'm mixed, Chinese and Australian, my hair turns orange brown in the sunlight but looks completely black indoors. It's lighting at work. I put on my usual white sneakers, green cargo -type shorts, and a white tank top. It was about an hour before the girls' first heat starts up and I'm helping Manu set up the tent. We didn't want to risk our star Boardriders to get sunburned. Even Prawnie is competing against Ari and Marlon. I have time to kill.

It was important to look at least a little bit good if I was going to take the role of Griff Temple's fake girlfriend. Life has been way too eventful lately since Jackson Bay and last night.

I receive a text from Griff. You look good today. I catch myself smiling at the text and correct my face. I look across the beach and see Griff smiling at me two tents away in the shade of an Anchor Cove logo. I wave back. Of course it's bad karma to use Griff for my own personal gain (getting Ari's attention and also as a rebound for me). But it's in good intentions for my own mental being right? Ari's the one who kissed me. I didn't do anything first. It's reasonable too since Griff is also using me for his own personal gain.

I just hope not to get whacked with a surfboard by Lily Tran. Anchor Cove girls get violent. Remember what happened to Summer on literally her first day.

My legs make its way across the beach to get to Griff. Lily Tran is already staring bullets into me.

Time to create more drama in this tiny town.

- surfing feelings ⛅️  | ari gibson | a surviving summer fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now