Chapter Two

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Maeve's schedule was as expected: jam-packed with every class possible. First thing in the morning was Potions with Professor Slughorn, which was perfect given that Maeve wanted to ask him about extra lessons as soon as possible.

She made her way down from her dorm room into Ravenclaw Common Room, a gorgeously ornate part of the castle filled with books, white marble statues, and sapphire blue velvet furniture with gold trim.

"Good summer, Maeve?" Lavinia Roberts asked.

Lavinia was Ravenclaw Head Girl, captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and considered herself personally responsible for Ravenclaw winning the last three Quidditch House Cups.

"Fine. And yourself?"

"Spent most of it at Quidditch camp in Ireland. Gonna be a good year," said Lavinia intensely. "Right. First years listen up!"

Lavinia explained to the first years that they would have to answer a riddle correctly from the bronze eagle on the door every time they wanted to enter the common room. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to get inside. This idea seemed daunting to quite a few of them.

Maeve laughed softly at their expressions and made her way to the dungeons for Potions class.

Professor Slughorn was as bright and bubbly as ever and excited to see all his favorites. Maeve rolled her eyes as Slughorn shook Tom's hand for well over a minute. Maeve was included in the "Slug Club," as they called it, but everyone knew Slughorn fancied Tom the most.

The class got straight to work on brewing a Shrinking Potion. They worked silently for the entirety of the class, and Maeve's final potion awarded her a strained smile from Slughorn with encouragement to do better. Tom won ten points for Slytherin.

The last few Ravenclaws exited the classroom as Maeve made her way to Slughorn's desk.

"Professor Slughorn, may I have a moment?"

"Of course, Miss Sinclair! Trust you had a good summer?"

"Always. Though, glad to be back at Hogwarts, Sir," said Maeve with a smile.

Slughorn smiled back at her as though he understood the sentiment completely.

"So," started Slughorn. "Is it safe to assume you are not satisfied with your Exceeds Expectations grade in last term's exams?"

"Correct," said Maeve, her voice business-like.

"Also, safe to assume you're looking to be tutored in preparation for your N.E.W.T exams?" Slughorn spoke as though he was solving some great mystery, rather proud of himself for solving it.

"Also correct. I've never had to be tutored in anything, Professor. I have to admit it feels a bit embarrassing just having this conversation."

"That's nonsense!" Slughorn laughed heartily. "With a little guidance, you'll be performing better in no time."

Maeve smiled slightly. "Thank you, sir."

"See? Not so grim as you make it." Slughorn squinted.

"I suppose so," said Maeve. She gathered her bag and started to stand, prepared to ask Slughorn when their lessons would begin.

"Marvelous," said Slughorn. "I'll talk to Mr. Riddle myself."

Maeve's heart stopped as she clutched her bag tightly, "I'm sorry?"

"I'll talk to Mr. Riddle-"

"No sir, I heard you," began Maeve. "I just meant. . . does it have to be him?"

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