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The library was completely abandoned save for Tom and Maeve, who had spread out across a table in the back corner. Madam Florence, the Library keeper, had gone to bed an hour ago and allowed them to stay past hours. This was primarily due to the dazzling smile Tom flashed her.

"It seems like incredibly advanced magic," said Maeve as they were in a deep discussion about Horcruxes. "This book doesn't mention anything about how the process will feel. I can't imagine it's pleasant to. . . pull your soul in half."

"I don't think whoever wrote this even knows how it feels."

"True. I can't imagine this spell is often used," said Maeve reading over the very brief entry on Horcruxes. "Though, I have no doubt you can do it."

They had been reading and discussing Horcruxes for a majority of the night before Tom deemed it time to review their potions assignments for the week.

"I need to get some sleep, actually."

"You still need to know this," he tapped his pointer finger on the parchment in front of her.

"We spent the entire night discussing other things," she snapped.

Tom's eyebrow raised.

"I'm sorry," said Maeve, resting her chin on her hand. "I'm just tired."

"And ungrateful."

"Oh please," she narrowed her eyes at him. "You love having something to hold over me."


Tom leaned back in his chair and stretched. She rolled her eyes and closed her book, which landed her a stern face from Tom.

She ignored him. "I have to get some sleep. I have a Charms exam in the morning."

"Seriously, Sinclair? You could take that exam in your sleep."

Maeve smiled and stood and began gathering her things. Tom followed suit, and they walked silently down the corridor. They reached the staircase, and Tom started ascending with her instead of making his way down to the Slytherin Common Room.

She stopped walking. "What are you doing?"

Tom continued up the stairs and spoke plainly.

"Walking you to your common room. I worry that idiot Grisham still holds a grudge over you."

"Even so,' said Maeve. "I could take him."

"I don't doubt that. I would, however, love to sink my claws into him as well."

Maeve laughed. Admittedly she'd like to see that.

"Miss Sinclair," came a voice behind them.

They turned quickly and saw Profesor Dumbledore standing in midnight blue robes.

"Professor, we were just finishing studying-"

Dumbledore held up a kind hand, signaling they weren't in any trouble for being out at such a late hour. "Only a moment of your time, Maeve, if you'll allow me."

"Of course, sir." Maeve strode off towards Dumbledore quickly, bidding goodnight to Tom over her shoulder. She caught a glimpse of Tom's face as he turned away. He looked irritated by Dumbledore's interruption, but he did it well.

She walked silently alongside Dumbledore until they reached his office. Maeve sat in a squishy armchair, eyeing the Professor curiously.

"I hope I won't keep you long, Miss Sinclair." Dumbledore smiled, "though since I know how well you'll do on my Charms exam in the morning, I don't feel too guilty."

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