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Christmas was almost here. The lake had frozen solid seemingly overnight, and Maeve was anxious to see her Father soon. She had received a detailed letter from him about all their plans for the Christmas Holiday and how he couldn't wait to see her.

There were only a few exams left to get through, and Maeve wasn't worried about any of them. However, she was concerned that she hadn't seen Spinel in a few days, which was uncommon.

She was walking the corridors calling his name early one evening with a bit of meat she had taken from dinner. Around the corner, she came face to face with Rosier.

Maeve gasped as they almost collided but smoothly moved around him.

He stared at her for a moment.

"What are you doing with that meat?"

"Looking for my cat," said Maeve indignantly. She had not forgiven Rosier for their last altercation. "I'd say you owe me an apology, but based on the bruises still lingering on your face, you got what you deserved."

Rosier's temper swelled, and he tried to steady his breathing.

"I must really get under your skin," laughed Maeve.

"I guess I just don't understand it," said Rosier, his face sour.

Maeve raised her eyebrows, and Rosier continued.

"You weren't even worthy of being sorted into Slytherin House, no matter how pure your blood is."

Maeve's heart rate began increasing at this comment.

"So why does he, of all people, give you the time of day?"

"'Of all people?" Questioned Maeve.

Rosier's face turned red, knowing he shouldn't have spoken about Tom's supposed bloodline so carelessly.

"By all means, keep putting your incredibly large foot into your even larger mouth, Rosier."

Maeve rolled her eyes and turned away from him to continue her search for Spinel.

After over an hour of searching, Maeve sat on the main steps of the castle, just outside the Great Hall. Rosier's comment lingered in her mind. Perhaps she was fooling herself, and he was right that she was undeserving of Tom's companionship.

From the side, corridor emerged Profesor Dumbledore.

"Good evening, Maeve."

"Evening, Sir," said Maeve politely.

Dumbledore stopped and observed her. "What seems to be the matter?"

"My cat, Sir," said Maeve. "I haven't seen him in a few days, which is not like him."

"The black one, with the odd colored eyes?"

Maeve nodded.

"Oh, I'm certain he'll turn up," said Dumbledore. "Cats are brilliant creatures, and you know what they say?"

Maeve waited for him to continue.

"They say they take after their owners, which makes him the brightest cat at Hogwarts."

Maeve smiled at this attempt to cheer her up.

"If I may speak boldly," said Dumbledore. "I have noticed you and Mr. Riddle have become close-"

Maeve laughed. "Why is everyone so fixated on that?"

"Forgive me," said Dumbledore genuinely. "It's just that it can be incredibly lonely to be, so to say, above the rest."

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