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"Did you hear?" Asked Abraxas. "Jake Pile's in the hospital wing."

They took a seat at Breakfast together.

"Whatever for?" Maeve asked Abraxas, grabbing some toast and jam.

Abraxas shrugged, with his signature mischievous look on his face. "Seems he doesn't even remember anything about last night. He didn't even know he was supposed to be dueling."

Maeve froze. "Tom."

Abraxas was grinning wickedly.

"You knew!" Laughed Maeve, smacking him on the arm.


Maeve shook her head. "I should have known, honestly."

She continued spreading jam on her toast when the Great Hall filled with owls. Maeve's father's owl swooped down, landing on the table in front of them.

"Hello, Rumple," said Abraxas, feeding the Sinclair Family Owl a bit of bacon.

Maeve grabbed the parchment from Rumple's leg.

Dearest Maeve,

I'm terribly sorry for the delay in my response. We would be thrilled to have Tom for the summer. You mentioned making a day stop before your arrival? I can arrange to have your things picked up in London and brought home. Tom's as well.

I can't wait to see you.


Maeve tossed down her toast and shot up from the table.

"What the hell?" Abraxas shouted after her. "Not even a 'good day, Abraxas'?"

"No yelling in the hall, Mr. Malfoy," said Profesor Waller. "Five points from Slytherin."

Tom was not at breakfast in the Great Hall, but she had a good idea of where he would be. She climbed the stairs to the third floor, which took longer than usual as they all decided to move at once, and made her way into the Library.

Tom was, as she expected, sitting in their favorite reading nook.

"Guess what," said Maeve, seating herself opposite Tom.

He scrunched his face at her happy demeanor and waited for her to answer.

"My Father absolutely cannot wait to have you at The Sinclair Estate." She dramatically tossed her hair, flashing him a smile.

Tom again looked incredulous but brushed it off quickly, soaking in the good news.

"You are happy, yes?"

Tom gave her his award-winning smile, "Oh, yes."

"Good." Finally satisfied with his response, she pulled out "A Look into the Modern Mind" and began reading where she had left off.

"Oh, and I heard Jake Pile can't remember a thing from yesterday," said Maeve with a smirk. "In case you were curious."

"How odd," said Tom.

Maeve crossed her legs and relaxed into the armchair, reading her book.

After a moment, she looked up to see Tom eyeing her down.

"What's the matter with you today, Sinclair?"

She lowered her book and gave him a pity smile.

"Tom Riddle, I don't think you even realize the summer that you are in for." She leaned towards him. "The parties, the duels, the dinners. The people, the hours spent in my Father's study discussing magic, his prized Library literally at your fingertips." Her grin widened. "You're going to love it."

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