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That weekend, Maeve's parents hosted a small dinner party for a few of their friends. Tom and Maeve had spent the days prior dueling non-stop as Maeve adjusted to the power of Tom's Horcrux.

Dinner was filled with lighthearted conversation. Clarissa always ensured the wine flowed heavily at her functions.

"I heard you've had quite the year, Maeve," said Egor Rupertill, a Profesor at Durmstrang, who had a short-lived career at Hogwarts. He was one of Ambrose's closest friends.

"Say's who?" Asked Maeve charmingly.

"Horace," said Rupertill. "Told us you made top ranks in the Dueling Club."

Maeve smiled. "I had a good teacher."

"Of course," said Egor. "Everyone knows that!"

The men laughed. And Egor continued.

"Tom Riddle. Awarded special services to the school, top of the class in everything. Quite an achievement. Larliesl doesn't shut up about you."

Tom smiled with pride. "That's very kind."

"But surely Slughorn is just being biased," said Ariana quickly.

Maeve looked across the table at her sister.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Asked Maeve.

Ariana smiled at Maeve with pity. "You know exactly what that means. A year ago, you couldn't even block a stunning spell. Now I'm supposed to believe you're second best to him?" She pointed at Tom, who was seated next to Maeve.

"Would you like to see for yourself?" Asked Maeve, cooly.

"I would actually," said Arianna with a scoff.

"Oh now, ladies-" started Egor, but Maeve cut him off.

"Shall we?" Maeve asked her father, turning sharply across the table towards him for approval.

There was a wildness in Maeve's eyes her Father was probably unfamiliar with. Admittedly, Maeve was unfamiliar with it too. She could feel Tom's suppressing a smirk next to her.

Ambrose looked at his youngest daughter questioningly, but she gave him a small nod. Ambrose was, undoubtedly, confused by her eagerness to duel Arianna, given Maeve's record of defeats.

"We're in the middle of dinner-" started Clarissa, but Arianna smiled sweetly at her mother and cut her off.

"No worries, Mummy," said Arianna, turning to Maeve with a scowl. "This won't take long."

Maeve didn't give her sister the satisfaction of a response.

Clarissa tossed her fabric napkin on the table with a grand flourish and a look of disgust on her face. She refused to look at her husband as he stood up next to her.

"Gentlemen," said Ambrose. "If you would accompany us into the dueling hall, it appears my daughters are eager to prove themselves in front of such impressive company."

Maeve followed Arianna out of the Dining Hall.

The Dueling Hall at Sinclair Estates was empty except for a settee and a small gold bar. Clarissa and a few women seated themselves around the settee while the men helped themselves to more firewhiskey.

Three floor-to-ceiling windows lined the far wall and opened up to the balcony over the gardens. They were covered in sheer drapes that were as still as Maeve in this moment. She was calm and collected, with her wand in hand.

Maeve found Tom's eyes and took his ring in her hand. She inhaled sharply as she felt his energy pulsating at her chest. Only the two of them knew what was coming.

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