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The Dueling Club's weekly event had arrived. Maeve ran into Tom as she made her way to the dungeon.

"You know, you were right about something," said Tom.

"I'm certain I'm right about many things."

Tom rolled his eyes and ignored her. "In one of those books you gave me, it talks about the Slytherin bloodline being Parseltounges."

Maeve nodded. "I distinctly remember my Father attempting to converse with snakes in the garden. He was rather disappointed, in the end."

"I always knew that made me special somehow."

"Among other things, I'm sure," said Maeve.

Tom looked down at her with a satisfied expression.

The hall was already jammed full. Freddy Jones, captain of the dueling club, made a beeline for Tom and Maeve when he saw them.

"Oi! Tom," said Freddy, holding out a clipboard with a list of students on it. "You mean to write down 'er name?" His head jabbed towards Maeve.

"I did," said Tom.

Freddy's face scrunched up. "But she ain't never even dueled before."

"I know that, Freddy," replied Tom calmly.

Freddy ran his fingers through his hair and looked sideways at Maeve. "Alright, but the lineup fell for 'er to duel Grisham, so you'd better be certain."

Tom clapped Freddy on the shoulder. "Even more so now."

They made their way through the crowd.

"I see Abraxas," said Maeve, heading in his direction.

"Did you see?" Abraxas asked, his eyes wide.

"Yes." Maeve nodded.

"I can't wait to watch you destroy him."

Abraxas was eagerly writing down his bets for the night.

When Lavinia came around to collect them, she smiled at Maeve.

"I placed my whole wager on you," said Lavinia.

"I did as well," said Abraxas.

Maeve smiled and relaxed back in the chair. It was common knowledge that Tom had been training her for months, and apparently, everyone was eager to see what she was made of.

It wasn't long before it was Maeve's turn. Professor Larliesl was practically giddy as he announced her name. Grisham was already making his way onto the platform. There was applause as Larliesl invited them to take their places.

Tom grabbed Maeve's arm, bringing his lips close to her ear.

"Grisham loses his temper easily. Use that to your advantage," whispered Tom.

Maeve nodded and took the stand. Grisham looked annoyed that he had to duel Maeve.

They joined in the middle and bowed.

"Don't think because you're new, I'll go easy on you," seethed Grisham.

Maeve took a low curtsy and looked up at him.

"How about because I'm a girl, then?" She said sweetly.

Maeve let go of her skirt with a flourish and turned on her heel. She walked the length of the platform and turned to face Grisham. He readied his wand. Maeve tossed her hair over her shoulder and followed suit.

"Begin!" Shouted Freddy.


Green light shot from the end of Grisham's wand. Maeve ducked down, took a knee, and fired back without hesitation.

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