If I lose myself, I lose it all

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***Little note - I've changed a little bit previous chapter in order to make it more coherent and logical, but it's not so important for the plot, so you can just ignore that.***

Vegas and Pete lied entwined in an embrace. Intimate touch allowed them clear the atmosphere and find an outlet for nervousness from previous days, so right now they carved only each other presence.

"We need to get up at some point." Noticed Pete, burying his face in crook of Vegas' neck. He brushed hand through Pete's hair and groaned. 

"We will. At some point." Said Vegas, lowering his gaze. He grabbed Pete's chin and pulled him closer to kiss his lips. Pete grasped his jaw in possessive grip and straddled his lap. Vegas' hand slid down, and he was about to pinch thighs between his fingers, but knock on the door interrupted them.

"Oh, for fuck sake!" Hissed Vegas, when Pete rolled back onto the bed. Vegas put on his sweatpants and with fury in eyes, opened door. "What?!"

Apparently rumours about Vegas' bad mood reached everyone in the household, because Jackie, one of bodyguards, was standing at the hallway with palm face and phone in his hand.

"Khun Vegas, I didn't mean to interrupt, but P'Korn is calling." Stuttered out Jackie, glaring at cell phone.

"This family makes me want to murder people." Vegas groaned and ripped out phone from his hand. He slammed the door and pick up the phone, turning on the speaker. "Well, I'm listening." Said Vegas, with fake kindness in voice, smiling sarcastically. 

"Vegas. I didn't mean to disturb your time of mourning, but I would like to invite you for funeral ceremony. It will take place tomorrow at Wat Phra Kaew temple. We'll start merits in the morning and I think my brother would appreciate if his sons would be around on his last path." Said Korn with composure. Vegas almost snorted, when he was thinking about his "time of mourning" with Pete in bed.

When the information reached him, he became numb. He was staring at the wall without blinking. Pete got up and hugged his waist from behind, offering him silent support. Hotness of naked chest at his naked back, brought him back. Vegas hummed, pretending he's thinking.

"We'll see. I'm quite busy." Said Vegas, stroking Pete's hand with thumb. At the moment he felt like Pete's an anchor - he kept him steady in this world, always ready to pull back from darkness to the surface.

"I unders..." Tried to say Korn, but someone ripped his phone. 

"YOU CRAZY BASTARD" Yelled Tankhun and Vegas rolled his eyes. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BABY PETE?!"

Pete took the phone, before Vegas said anything back. "Khun Noo. I'm sorry that I couldn't meet you at the gate, but..." Tankhun interrupted him with loud sob.


"Yes, Khun Noo, I'm fine, I just..." Thankun interrupted him again.

"Why did you quit? Did he brainwashed you? Is he near? Whistle three times if you need help!"

Vegas was so irritated, he tried to snatch the phone out of Pete's hand, but he nimbly dodged it, distancing himself.

"Khun Noo, I'm fine. We just needed to isolate ourselves for few days, you know it's dangerous when heirs are changing. We'll see each other soon, I promise."

"Wishful thinking. You'll never see him again. I'll chain him up and sell to black market." Vegas teased cousin, looking at Pete with smirk.

Pete gave him a look of disapproval and whispered "You're acting like a child." Vegas just smiled and sat at bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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