insert a good name here?

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Rui was sitting in his bed, his phone in hand and smiling at his screen. He was texting Tsukasa, as usual. Everyday he spoke to him. He felt really happy whenever he did. He wouldn't deny having a small crush on him, however. He felt like this for a long time- but he wasn't sure if Tsukasa felt the same.

Tsukasa was doing his own thing, however. He was out in public, eating some ice cream. He liked ice cream, who wouldn't? He smiled at the screen as well. He couldn't describe how much he liked talking to Rui, even if it was just over text. Sometimes he let out a few chuckles at the others replies.

Rui was bold, he always spoke his mind and was always truthful about anything. The two never had any secrets between them. Well, maybe just one?

They both had a crush on each other.

They wouldn't tell each other that, least, not yet. They had no confidence to tell the other what they were feeling- not even Rui, who was always so confident in himself most of the time.

At some point they stopped talking. One of them probably got busy. They didn't speak too much after that.

The next day, however. Rui sat in his living room, his phone on the side. He was thinking of something. Thinking. He really was in love with this man..and he couldn't hold it in anymore. But it would be weird confessing right then and there. A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek.

Rui's POV.

Am I really going to say this? Am I crazy..? No, I'm not. Well, maybe I am. Just a little? Urgh, what am I thinking? He'll probably reject the invitation. Does he even like this type of stuff?..No way, he's into all that world star stuff. I..maybe I should take my chance. We only live once.

Nobody's POV.

Rui took a deep breath in, before reaching over and grabbing his phone. He then opened up the texting app. He found himself reading the messages from the day before, smiling a bit. But that wasn't what he was there to do. He glared at the keyboard, his heart beating incredibly fast. He then began typing.


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