West Side?

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"So... are you going to be here tomorrow?" Genya asked, arching an eyebrow.

The two found a vacant picnic table to lounge on. It was one of the picnic tables everyone avoided having had a big white spider web occupying it as its abode. The vivid Summer sun goused their eyes violently. Not even the tree above them, providing decent shade, was efficient. But it was nothing too unexpected in the home of Greenview Park where the sun followed particularly.

"For what?" Muichiro asked, clearly confused.

"I'm gonna be at work tomorrow and I'll need somebody here for my dogs,"

"Oh, of course," Muichiro confirmed, scratching the picnic table with his finger.

Genya nodded slowly with a smile. He enjoyed the smaller males presence, and knew that time was short. But there wasnt much to say. Not much to say to Muichiro, that is. Figuring out he didn't know a lot about this side of Greenview, he thought a nice introduction could become a conversation starter.

"So," He started, startling Muichiro who was currently stuck in a trance. "What brings you here?"


Genya arched his right eyebrow curiously.

"This side of Greenview...,"

"Oh!" Muichiro realized, nearly knocking down his glass of lemonade due to a sudden flinch. "Well uh, figuring that this is the West side, I thought it'd be good to look at rich homes around the neighborhood that I knew I'd never buy."

Genya chuckled in response, recalling how him and Sanemi used to do that all the time before the huge split. He still remembered that white hair and signature scar. Oh, but did he have plenty? Plenty of scars. Eventually though, Genya somehow managed to settle on a house while Sanemi traveled elsewhere. They haven't spoken to each other since that drastic change. Or were Genya's emails just not reaching him?

How history repeats it's cycle, not that man could comprehend.

"I guess you didn't really expect the plenty of creeps though, did you?" Genya asked soundly.

Muichiro shook his head and said, "Is there somebody here I can actually trust besides you?"


That was it.

That was the sign.

Muichiro trusted him and he confirmed it. Finally, Genya could feel at ease knowing Muichiros gaurd wasn't always up whenever he was around. He needed a dogsitter that was loyal and honest, not someone so distant.

"Well, yeah of course," Genya started, taking a sip out of his coffee. "There's Mitsuri who lives just next door from me, and her husband Iguro who lives with her. I have Giyuu just a few blocks away... Rengoku who lives near the Seiyu supermarket with his roommate Uzui and his three wives. Then, we also have Gyomei who lives in one of the apartments alone, where he meditates. And Shinobu who just so happens to-,"

"Shinobu! Yeah, I know her, she's the one that got me to you," Muichiro admitted in shock.

Nothing too unexpected.

Genyas eyes went wide as he looked off to the side, slightly startling Muichiro. He knew exactly what Shinobu's intentions were, despite refusing to admit it. She couldn't make it anymore obvious what she was attempting to endeavor. Her and Mitsuri's matchmaking games were always getting in the way of his routine. Or, maybe perhaps just Mitsuris. But the more Shinobu managed to hang out with her, was the more that the line between her and matchmaking was slowly evaporating into nothingness. They were becoming equals.

Surprisingly though, Genya wasn't ever so slightly shocked that the two knew each other. In fact, it was quite of expectance. But he knew that Shinobu was increasingly up to something in particular.

Her and Mitsuri.

Slowly, Genya awkwardly laughed at the though of it. At the thought that maybe, just maybe, Mitsuri could win this time.

. . . . .

Muichiro and Genya were currently walking all three dogs around the small pond that resided lilipads and ladybugs.

The rippling water made for a nice tropical feel as if they were in a random beach in Hawaii. The birds sang in sync along with the croaking of basil green frogs hopping from lilipad to lilipad. Regarding sound, who knew nature had it's benefits?

It was the one time Genya didn't want to insert his earphones.

They ended up talking more about the West side. Or perhaps, the people residing amongst the West side.

"Muichiro, Yesterday you ended up telling me about a park administrator that you just so happened to encounter, correct?" Genya brought up, arching his eyebrow in concern.

"Oh yeah of course," Muichiro said, trying to recall the memory only to recieve faint clips. "What about em?"

Genya chuckled, putting his hands on his hips while shaking his head slowly.

What about him? He thought to himself.

He needn't blame the only predictable milu of his lacking knowledge. After all, It was never expected that anyone outside the vicinity of this side of Greenview, knows what happens in the interior until—left explained. Better had it he was taught now before curiosity got the better of him later.

"Well, how do I say this...?" Genya asked himself, looking up at the powder blue sky.

"Just say it-"

"They aren't park administrators," Genya admitted.

The air felt a vivid tranquility as Muichiro shot him an utmost questionably given look, causing him to only merely flinch. Intentionally, he coughed and averted his gaze to vacant air in the lot.

What is Genya talking about?

Feeling only sure, he knew what was perceived was a park admin. How could Genya come to such a conclusion? He wasn't even there.

Was there more to it than Muichiro believed?

C'est la vie.

Word Count: 943

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