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"We need to talk,"

Was the first thing Muichiro heard the moment he accepted the call. He groaned in thought of what that statement might've meant. Never in his life did he think he'd have to hear that being said to himself.

But there was always a first for everything. And that statement just so happened to be one of them.

He heard a sigh from the other end of the call as Genya planned to muster up whatever it was he was trying to say. Muichiro only felt like hanging up; not in hatred, but in fret. In fret of what it was, that might just come out of Genya's mouth.

"I think you should say something," Suggested Yuichiro, who was all of a sudden hanging around the entrance of his twin brothers room.

Muichiro jolted to the sudden sound of his brothers voice and looked around to scan him. There stood Yuichiro-an eyebrow raised as he looked Muichiro up and down with pert.

Muichiro looked back at him in silence, awaiting for Genya's response. However, he seemed to be really taking his time.

"Go on, tell him something before I take that phone for myself and tell him for you," Yuichiro threatened, now slowly approaching the small boy.

Muichiro shook his head and panicked, motioning his brother away. Who knew what his toxic, rude and offensive twin brother had in mind to say to Genya? Whatever it was he had up his sleeve, Muichiro wouldn't let it slip from his mouth.

He was going to speak for himself. Even if it meant letting something stupid escape from him. He was never the best at talking about these stuff anyways.

"Genya... what do you think we are?" He finally asked, growing completely silent to hear the response he would receive.


"No-I mean, are we like...," Muichiro failed to finish with a sigh as he slowly let his head bang against his vanity table. "First off, are you mad at me for what I said yesterday?"

Silence was heard through the other end of the call as Genya attempted to recall the events of yesterday. There were a few embarrassing things he didn't want to remember, but somehow did trying to recall why exactly he would be mad at Muichiro for anything.

"Umm, what exactly did you say?" He eventually asked.

Muichiro was rather shocked that Genya would forget such a bold statement. In fact, he thought Genya would despise him for saying such a thing after the quite intense moment they had yesterday. However, he didn't seem to remember anything at all.

"You don't remember?" Muichiro said in a concerned tone towards the phone. "When I said that we weren't boyfriends..."

Genya cleared his throat through the other end of the call and relaxed into the office chair he was currently sitting in.

"Muichiro, if I'm being fully honest here, I would love to be your boyfriend, but...," There was a sigh heard through the other end of the call as Genya temporarily halted in his statement. "...if you're not fully ready to make things official, we really don't have to."

A slight rosy hue ran across Muichiro's cheek as he allowed those words to enter his ear. It wasn't hard enough for him to think about. He truly did want this as much as Genya did. And despite what others may think, he was sure he was fully ready.

So... what was stopping him?

The whole chat of the topic was stressing him out. He needed to process everything clearly, when he felt sure enough to do so. In order to properly think, he turned around, only to be met with the root of his problem. The root of what exactly was stopping him.

His brother.


"What do you want?" Yuichiro asked in a dour tone, as he halted cleaning out his brother's closet.

"Are you ok with me... y'know-dating Genya?"

Yuichiro paused for a moment, looking away from him. The silence in the room only got louder as Genya's patience could suddenly decrease. Noticing this, Muichiro panicked as he already knew his twin brother only did this when he was extremely disappointed in him. He didn't want to get scolded like he did all the time he said something Yuichiro disliked.

However, Yuichiro didn't seem to be the least bit angry about the question at all. In fact, his face only showed a feeling of concern.

"Muichiro, that's something you're supposed to decide for yourself," He preached, turning back over to the closet to deplete unsorted stuff. "You and I both know that."

Muichiro let out a sigh of relief as he began to process his brothers motivating words.

Yuichiro was right.

Despite all of the things he decided for Muichiro in his entire lifetime, Muichiro's love life was not going to be one of them. The moment Muichiro finally realized that, a surge of confidence lit up in his body.

He loved this.

He loved the idea of being with Genya so much. There was no way he was going to miss this opportunity, or even let the opportunity miss him. Realizing that this was a decision he could make on his own without his brothers input, he settled down to one sole choice.

He wanted to start again.

"Ahh-umm, could we start over again this Saturday at Greenview Park?"

"I see... a first date rewrite? I'm in."

Muichiro bit his lip and slightly chuckled in response. A first date rewrite was exactly what he was doing. And boy, was he glad Genya caught on. It only made the moment much more special.

"Nice, because... I know I'm officially ready to begin this relationship."

Word Count: 957

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