CHAPTER TWO-"Angel with the broken wings"

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Taeyong waited for another week. It has been three weeks now since he found the girl and admitted her to the hospital. But still no sign of the girl waking up. The doctors haven't said much about her condition. They are always walking on eggshell around him, afraid that a single wrong move of them might cost them their lives. They were not that fool to not realize by now what type of person he was within these span of three weeks.

Everything about him screamed danger. Starting from his piercings to tattoos to his shiny dark branded clothes.

Taeyong knew he looked intimidating and he is indeed intimidating when the situation called for it but currently at the hospital he was doing nothing. Yet the doctors were afraid of him. He didn't know why. He just simply visited the girl everyday and stayed with her for hours and hours till he would get hundreds of missed calls from his members, telling him to get back. Only then would he finally leave, though reluctantly.

Something about the girl didn't let him leave her alone. He wanted to be around her all the time. Stay close to her. Protect her. He had no idea how he grew to be so fond and protective of someone so fast and easily, whom he haven't even talked to more than once. But he didn't feel disturbed by this feeling.

He was indeed growing immensely protective of this poor girl that seemed to have hundreds of secrets within her. But Taeyong didn't mind. He would allow himself to follow his heart and do everything in his might to help her.

As usual, Taeyong was sitting on the stool in front of her bed, staring blankly ahead of himself as he was in a deep thought. Then suddenly he noticed a movement. Her finger was moving.

Taeyong immediately sat up straight and called the doctor, telling him that the patient seemed to have regained her consciousnesses. Both Taeyong and the doctor rushed inside again. What greeted them inside left them both surprised and alert.

There she was. Eyes open and curiously looking around the room, though with some difficulty. There were not much wires attached to her body right then unlike how it was when she was first admitted. So that explained why she didn't really look to be in pain to move.

The girl noticed Taeyong and stared at him, blinking rapidly, not yet getting used to the bright light all around.

Taeyong walked near her, with cautious steps. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable when she just woke up from a coma after three weeks. Sitting on his previous seat, he helped her to sit up first, knowing she has been lying on her back for too long. It might help her to relax.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked softly.

The girl didn't reply for a moment, still looking at him in a way that made Taeyong feel as though he was being analysed, "I'm.... fine." She finally replied before adding, "Who are you?"

Taeyong expected this question from her. He wasn't acquainted with her after all. Clearing his throat, he introduced himself, "I'm Taeyong. You don't know me. But we'll get to know each other later, when you are finally released from this hospital."

Hearing his reply, something must've clicked in her mind and made her alert as her eyes widened just a fraction bit, before taking in her surroundings. She looked back at him fast, eyebrows furrowed with obvious discomfort, "H-hospital? What am I doing in a hospital? What happened to me?"

Now it was something that Taeyong hadn't expected her to question. Did she not remember what happened to her? He thought she knew. He was waiting for her to wake up and tell him what happened herself. But her clueless expression said otherwise. She seemed genuinely lost and somewhat afraid about this situation as she nervously glanced around and waited for him to give her an explanation.

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