new author

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Hello everyone! Just came by to let you know that “Lovesick Mafias” will now be continued by a different author. A kind author had contacted me yesterday to adopt this story and I'm more than happy to hand over this story to them. I have already sent them the cover of this book, summary, plots and everything. Lovesick mafias will now be written by them.

Their account is Lunasads

They'll start updating the story soon. I hope you give them the same love you gave me and “Obsessive Mafias”

Thank you for all the supportive messages in the last chapter and respecting my decision. I hold those messages close to my heart and appreciate them so much. You guys are one of the nicest people I have met in this app. Thank you for being on this journey with me. I'll miss you.

Until next time!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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