16 - I'll give my all to you

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Content warnings: mention of suicide, minor smutty comment

"Thank you for coming over, Wanda.
That truly means a lot to me"

"We barely got to know each other but I really missed you.. and especially cyborg" Wanda chuckled.

"That's really sweet...
Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead"

"Did he really miss me..?" You asked her uncertain.
Wanda's eyebrows raised.
"Who? Bucky?"


"Girl- he was going absolutely mental"

"He.. he did..?"

"Oh honey.. that boy is so unbelievable in love with you. He hasn't left this hospital since he got here. Not giving Alice out of his arms. And he was crying.. like.. a lot.." Wanda giggled.

"He cried.. why.. would he cry..?" Now you were even more confused than before.

"He really hasn't talked to you about it?"

"About what?"

"He told me you were his soulmate"

Tears brimmed your eyes. "Wh..at..?"

"I am almost sure that.. if you wouldn't have waken up and Alice wasn't there.. he.. would've done something really stupid.."

"You don't mean...?"

Wanda looked to the ground trying to find the right words.

"I've never seen him pray y/n. But.. these past days.. he was praying and crying a lot.. the only thing making him smile a little was Alice.
He would do anything for her."

You looked down at your baby, slowly brushing her head, smiling.

"But why.. he didn't had to stay.. I am sure someone would've looked after my baby.. he.. he didn't had to stay.."

"Don't get this the wrong way but that's what we told him too. I mean.. it's crazy you barely know each other but.. y/n.. that man would burn down the world for you and your daughter."

"Our daughter.." you corrected her and she smiled.

"You're going to be great parents. You should've seen him these days with Alice.
He was like a whole other person. He would always tell her stories and play with the toys with her as much as possible."

"He said he filmed some videos but wanted me to see them alone..."

Wanda bursted out laughing.
"Probably because he's embarrassed.
There was so really cute cringe shit going on.
Truly some sappy stuff"

"I'm looking forward to seeing them.
I am so madly in love with him, Wanda.."

"I am really happy for you guys" she gently squeezed your hand.

"Do you think we're crazy?"

"Crazy? Why?"

"For moving so fast.. I really love him but what if the honey moon phase is over and-"

"He ain't like that. Sure you will have your up's and down's. But I really thought love like that didn't exist anymore until I saw you two.
You're a team. You two can make this work"

"I really hope so.." you whispered.
A moment of silence followed of you and Wanda just looking at Alice lovingly.

"Do you know where he went..?" You suddenly asked Wanda.
Remembering her saying that he didn't leave once.

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