New Hispanic People

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It was a bright, sunny, and beautiful morning, John Adam, Jr., David's uncle, Sokka's
brother-in-law, Kitara's husband, and Mako and Bolin's father, was chasing Pabu, the red
panda, in the forest because he accidently steps on his tail. "Come back Pabu, (Huff, huff) look
I'm sorry for stepping on your tail," while chasing Pabu up a tree, he spotted a Hispanic boy,
who's homeless, dirty, and all naked, running, he tried to catch up with him, but he ran too fast
that he lost track of the boy, so he went back home to tell the others. Meanwhile, David is
trying to solve problems that affected during Amon's attack, "Don't worry everyone, I promise
you that all of the buildings that were shut down will be reopen again," said David and
everyone left, "Sorry about the big crowds, since your mother went missing, thing's started to
be so difficult and unorganized," said Ruth, "Well I can see why my dad never let me go out to
the city with him when I was a kid, come on were gone a be late for breakfast,'' said David
while getting on Nago, the tiger, with Ruth. When David and Ruth arrived home, they found
John, Jr. and Sokka, David's father and Victoria's husband, arguing, "I'm telling you, I saw a
homeless Hispanic boy running in the forest," said John, Jr. while trying to explain, "For the last
time, there are no homeless Hispanic in Republic City, besides when Victoria was here, she
make sure that everyone has a home and when she went missing, I made sure her people
have a home," said Sokka. "What's going on," David asks, "My dad said that he saw a Hispanic
boy that's homeless, running in the forest, but your dad doesn't believe in his story, because no
one in Republic City is homeless. I got a say, I love living here. You have more space, more
room, a big training area, and enough food for everyone," said Bolin. "Hey where's Mako?" ask
Savanah while entering the room. "Oh, you mean the brooding teenager? He's staying at the
police station," said Bolin, "Still?" said David, "I told him that he does not have to sleep in the
office since you guys have extra bedroom, but he said he must focus on his work and that he
rather be on time for his work," said Bolin. While they were eating, John, Jr. heard a knock at
the door, when he answered the door, he saw that it was the Hispanic boy that he saw in the
forest and everyone were shocked because John, Jr. was actually telling the truth, "Unbelievable, it really is a homeless Hispanic boy," said Sokka, "See I told you that I saw a Hispanic," said John, Jr... In the Police Station Mako was sleeping under his desk, until the phone range and hit himself on the head while trying to get up, "Police, (the person on the phone started to explain) wait what, (the person on the phone started to speak so fast) slow down (the person on the phone took a deep breath and started to speak normal) ok I'm on my way." When Mako got himself ready he went to the person's house for some investigation, when he arrived, he saw a big mess, "What the heck did all this," Mako ask, "It was a human being who came out of nowhere," said the person, "Ok, just tell me what happen," said Mako, "Well, I was stacking all my books, until that human just bust in the door, he got really scare and started to throw stuffs at me and started to speak in a language that I don't understand," said the person, "What kind of human was he," Mako ask, "He was like a Hispanic man, all dirty and naked like those homeless people," the person replied which made Mako very confused. "Sir, that's impossible, my aunt, Chief Victoria, made sure that no one in Republic City is homeless, and no one in Republic City has seen a homeless person," said Mako, "I know what I saw, when I try to calm him, he ran into the room," said the person, so Mako went to talk with him in Spanish, "Policia, habre porfavor," said Mako in Spanish, "Deja me en pass senor," replied the Hispanic man in Spanish, "Entoces voy a entrar, (When Mako went inside, the Hispanic men was escaping through the window) espera puedo ayudarte", (but the Hispanic men didn't listen and left), "I told you, a homeless Hispanic men," said the person, "Well there's only one person who knows much about the Hispanic's, my cousin, David," said Mako. Meanwhile David and his family were helping the homeless Hispanic boy, until Mako and Toph arrive. "What just happen here, and who is this boy," Toph ask, "Toph, you won't believe this, John just found a homeless Hispanic boy running in the forest," said Sokka which made Toph and Mako very surprise, "I'm afraid he's not the only one who found a homeless Hispanic," said Toph, "What," said Sokka, David Savanah, and Ruth very surprisingly, "I got call about a homeless Hispanic, who bust into someone's store out of nowhere," said Mako, "You mean there's another one, where is he now," Sokka ask, "He escape through the window, when I try to help him, we got all the officer's looking for him, David I was thinking, since you're a Hispanic too, you might be able to know where he might be," said Mako, "Well, if I was a homeless, I would be wondering in the city, so that's where he might be right now," said David, "Then we'll look check there, thank you," said Mako, as he and Toph were about leave until David stop him, "Wait, we'll help you look for him, were should we start," David asks, "Oh, well, you know you should leave it to the police, its police business you know official," said Mako while trying to make an excuse, "Ok, you know you're welcome to stay here instead of sleeping at a Police Station," said David, "No, I'm fine, I should just get going. So, good day," said Mako, as he salutes and walk away. So, David and Savanah decided to fine the homeless Hispanic man on their own, "This is so exciting, new Hispanics in the city. I bet we can find that guy before Mako does, (Savanah gave David the key car) you know I'm not very good at this," said David, "You're the son of the leader of Republic City and your fifteen years old know, you should know how to drive, besides its relaxing," said Savanah as she and David got on the car, and David started to have difficulty time of when to put the brakes. "Brake, brake," yield Savanah and David finally put his foot on the brakes, "Ok, let's try again, are you ready?" Savanah ask as David respond with a salute and they both laugh and David started driving again. "How long did you think talking to Mako is gone a be like falling teeth," David ask, "Well, Mako has never been the most in touch with his feelings guy, but it'll get better eventually," said Savanah, "So, when I and Mako went to take down Amon, he told me that he was sorry for being jealous of me, which I still don't know why, do you know why," David ask. "Well actually, I need to tell you something about that, and I should have told you this sooner, but the truth is, your cousin Mako truly had a crush on me since the day I met him, and the reason why he was jealous of you is because, he thought that I have feelings for you." said Savanah which made David to laugh, "Ha, no wonder he's so nerves, around us," said David, "You're not mad at Mako for being jealous of you," Savanah respond, "No, besides I have a crush on Ruth and when you took care of me, I thought you were trying to make her jealous of me or something," said David, "You what?" Savanah ask, "I'm so sorry, I didn't want to use you as a threat. I just thought you had a crush on me or something," said David and Savanah started to laugh, "I'm just kidding I knew that Ruth had a crush on you this hold time," said Savanah, "(David started to laugh) Well, what ever happen to Mako, I'm glad it hasn't come between us, and I should keep the truth from Mako in a secret just in case. You know I never had an older sibling to talk to before, but I always talk with Mako and Bolin, you know this is nice," said David. When they arrive to downtown city, David saw the Homeless Hispanic men who was about to jump off the building, so David went up to talk with him. "No tengas miedo, solo vine a ayudar," said David, "Por favor, no me hagas daño, no quiero que me hagan daño otra vez, '' said the Hispanic men, "Solo diga me que paso," said David, "Yo antes vivía un lugar muy feliz, pero gente mala vinieron, cemaron mi hogar y mataron a mi familia, cuando estuve escapando, yo mire la gente mala jugando con fuego como si fueron drogado, y después fueron quemado, yo corría rápido y no mire atrás, nadie quería alludar me y fue abandonado por todos," said the Hispanic men, "Escucha, sé que estas pasando pero ay un persona que nunca te abandono y es Dios y estoy seguro que el convertirá ese malo en algo bueno, y si quiera puedes vivir con migo,
como dices," said David. David gave his hand to the Hispanic men and he accepted and they
both went down. "Senor, el es mi Padre, Sokka, el te puede alludar," said David, presenting him
to his father. "Gracias, joven," said the Hispanic men which made David to smile. "Father I know
what I'm supposed to do now, there are Hispanic people who are homeless out there and I'm
gone a find them, so they can live in Republic City, and maybe I'll be able to find mom as well,"
said David, "Don't think I'm not going with you, it's so exciting, and I believe that your mother is
still out there waiting for us," said Sokka as they went back home.

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