Escape: Part Two

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Previously: David and Savanah had been kidnapped by Henry, who turn out to be the man that his mother fought during her teen years, and his gang, but were managed to escape. They decided to go to Africa to find Ezra, who was David's mother, Victoria, mentor. When Henry found out that David and Savanah had escape, he got so mad that he decided to attack Republic City.

When David and Savanah arrived in Africa they were found by a soldier, which the soldier recognized David. "David is that you? You've grown a lot since that last time we saw each other." Said the soldier. "It's really good to see you too, sir. This is Savanah." Said David, as he introduces Savanah to the soldier. "It's really good to meet you ma'am." Said the soldier. "It's really good to meet you too, sir." Said Savanah. "So, David, what can I do for you?" said the soldier. "We need to find Ezra, because we need his help. Have you seen him?" said David. "He's right over here." Said the soldier, as he introduces Ezra. "Last time I saw you, you were just a little boy. It's so good to see you again, David." Said Ezra. "Its good to see you too, Ezra, and this is my friend, Savanah. Savanah, this is Ezra. He used to be my mother's mentor." Said David. "It's an honor to meet you, sir." Said Savanah, while shaking Ezra's hand. "It's an honor to meet you as well, Savanah. So, David, what bring you and your friend here?" Ezra ask. "Well, Henry and his gang have escape and they're going to attack Republic City. We need your help." Said David. "I feared that someday, Henry would escape, and he and his gang would return to get their revenge. I will help you. Let's start packing." Said Ezra as he ordered his soldiers to get ready. When they were about to leave, David asks Ezra saying, "Say, Ezra, before we go, I was wondering if you could help me with something." "I once guided your mother and became her council when she was your age, I'd be happy to be yours." Said Ezra. "That's just it. Beside my dad and grandparents, you knew my mom better than anyone. I was wondering if you knew what she might do if she was in my situation." David asks. Ezra thought for a moment and replied saying, "Protecting the Hispanic's is one of Tori's goals. She would be proud of you for what you've done. And if she accomplished that goal, she might have risked her life to protect them. "So, she would risk her life to save her people, who are also my people as well?" David asks. "I don't know. The Hispanic's may have been closes to Tori's heart, but as leader of Republic City and the Chosen one, she cares for others. Besides God, no one understood Victoria, but I do know that Republic City needs its leader." Said Ezra, which made David very happy and grateful. Savanah then came and told David and Ezra saying, "David! Ezra! One of the soldiers spotted Henry and his gang heading to Great Valley!" So, they went as fast as they could to Great Valley to stop Henry and his gang. When Henry spotted David, Savanah, Ezra, and the rest of the soldiers, he order his team to attack them. While they were fighting, David saw that Henry is escaping. So, he went after him. As they were in the middle of a cliff, David tried to stop him saying, "Henry, we don't have to fight! Revenge isn't the right answer! Sure my mom imprisoned you and your gang along time ago, but I know she never want to hurt ya'll!" "Your mother never cared about how me or my gang felt! She didn't even cared about the much we had!" Said Henry, refusing to listen. When Henry spotted Savanah, he decided to kill her for revenge, but David stops him, by pushing him, and they both fell off the cliff. When Mako, Bolin, Ruth, Sofi, and the Hispanic girl arrived, they found Savanah crying, while holding David so tight, because he got injured while trying to save her life. While they took David to the hospital immediately, Ezra and his soldiers locked Henry and his gang somewhere they will never try to escape again. When Davide woke up, his family and friends were so happy to see him finally awake, that even Ruth gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made him to blush a little. When Sokka saw his son finally awake, he told him saying, "Thank God, your finally awake, David. You gave us quite a scared, but let's forget about that, because right now, we have a little surprise for you." When they arrive home, all the Hispanic people who were once homeless started to clap, for David for saving their lives and defeating Henry and his gang and awarded him with a golden metal. Sokka then told David saying, "Now son, I have been thinking, and I believe its best for you to stay with your grandparents in Alaska for a while, in order for you to recover your strength." What! But Dad, I can't abandon the city." Said David, very upset. Don't you worry, the Hispanic's and I will do our best to protect Republic City, until you are all better and have decided to return home." Said Sokka. "And don't you worry about us, we will find a job to keep Republic City in balance, while you are away." Said Makko. "And we'll be sending you letters every day, to keep in touch, so you won't have to missed us a lot." Said Bolin, which made David to feal better a little. After David said goodbye to everyone in Republic City, he got on the boat and wave goodbye to all his family and friends. "One day, I will find my mother, and bring her back home! I just hope she's okay." Said David in his thoughts, not knowing that his mother, Victoria, has been living in an Indian Island for seven years, and has been having vision of her son's greatest adventures and achievements. When she woke up, Victoria said to herself, "It's almost time for the promise that God has promise me to come true."

Stay toon for more of David's Adventure coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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