USA/Hispanic Family Reunion

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            In the morning, David was training Max to become a soldier, "Wow, your pretty getting the hang of it kid," David said, "Thanks," Max said. Bolin called David to see the view of Tennessee, Nashville in the U.S., "David look, were here," Bolin said as David ran to look at the view, "Wow, this place looks amazing, no wonder Mom missed this place," said David. When
they landed their ship, they were found by a soldier, David told him saying, "Excuse me sir, hi I'm David son of Victoria, leader of Republic City, and Sokka and these are my friends, we are here to find Homeless Hispanic people, have you seen them?" The soldier knew that if David find out where he is hiding the Hispanic's he would set them free and try to take them to Republic City, so he answered him saying, "No, I haven't seen any of them, wait here until I give you more information where they could be." After the soldier left, Max ran off to look at the city, until David, Mako, and Bolin saw that he wonders off and went to find him but lost track of him, so they had to spend the night sleeping in the street, while Savanah and Ruth
stayed in a hotel they found to spend the night. In the morning, David, Mako and Bolin decided to go and find something to eat before they could continue to look for Max. They decided to get some fruit from them but notice that they don't have enough money to pay, so they decided to leave, until a teenage Hispanic boy name Andrew came to open the fruit store and
spotted them, "Hey are you trying to still my family's fruit," Andrew said, "No, besides we're not criminals and we don't have money to pay," said Mako. "Nice try, I know a lot about criminals, they act like their innocent, tell a lie, and they smell like they haven't took a bath," said Andrew, "That's because we slept outside, so would you excuse us we'll be leaving now,"
said David as he, Mako, and Bolin leave until Andrew went to stop them by landing in their back, "When I take you criminals to the police, you'll be sorry from messing with me," said Andrew, until his father, Jacob, came to see what he was doing. "Andrew, what's going on?" Jacob asks, "These criminals are trying to steal our fruit," Andrew replied. "David, is that you with your cousins?" Jacob asks. "How did you know my name, and how did you know that Mako and Bolin are my cousins?" David asks very to confuse "Andrew, this is your cousin, David, son of your Aunt Victoria," Jacob said, "Cousin, wait, are you a family member of my mother, Victoria," David asks. "Yes, I'm your uncle, your Aunt Sarah's husband and this is my son, Andrew, who is sorry for calling you a criminal," said Jacob, "That's ok, I get that a lot sometimes, hay, can you take me and my cousins to meet the rest of my mother's family," David asks, "Sure," Jacob replied. When they arrive the farm, David asks Jacob saying, "Uncle, how should we treat my family?" Jacob told him saying, "Just be yourself, and you know, you
kind of act like your mother when she's nervous," with that said David stared to feel very nervous. As they enter the house, Jacob got everyone's attention, "Hey everyone, Sokka and Victoria's son is here and so are John Adam's, Jr. and Kitara's sons," said Jacob, everyone was so happy because they've finally met David. "Is it true, after all these years, I'm finally meeting my grandson," said Victoria's mother, "David these are your grandparent's, your mother's parents
and your Aunt Sarah, your mother's little sister," said Jacob. "It's really good to meet you David," said Victoria's father, while he, his wife, and daughter gives David a hug. "But where is Tori and your father?" Sarah asks, which made David change his expression, "Oh, you don't know. (Victoria's parents and sister looked very confusing) I'm sorry but my mother went
missing seven years ago," said David, which made his grandparents and aunt to cry. Meanwhile, Ruth and Savanah were in the Hotel wondering why there's destruction in the city, Savanah believe that that it could involve the soldier that they met early, but she wasn't sure it could have been him since she and Ruth have no proof. Meanwhile, David, Mako, and Bolin are
having breakfast with Victoria's family. "Wow, this is great, not only do I have a Republic and Alaskan family, but a Hispanic, USA family. So why did Mom leave home?" David ask. "Oh, she had big dreams, she couldn't wait to go out to see the world. Your grandfather thought that it was ridiculous and crazy dream, and he wanted her to stay home and be a farmer, because he thought it was her destiny, and farming was part of family generation. God chose your mother to stop a war from happening, even it meant leaving her home and family. It was hard decision for your grandfather, but he accepted it even though he thought her destiny is here, oh, sorry Dad," said Sarah, seeing her father very upset by reminding him the hard choice he made. "Come, I want to show you something. (David followed his grandmother upstairs) This is the last letter we receive from Tori, it says here that she and Sokka became parents and that one day, their son will meet his family in the U.S. She also sent us a picture of you with your parents, when you were little." said Victoria's mother. David saw the picture of him sitting on his mother's, Victoria, laps and beside his father, "Look David, your mother is wearing your
scarf," said Bolin noticing that Victoria is wearing the same scarf as David. "I gave that scarf to your mother, on her coronation as a gift. I really missed your mother so much, and every day I pray asking God to help your mother, and you have your mother eyes. (David smile and almost started to cry) I know from looking at you, she was a very good wife for your father, and a wonderful mother to you," said Victoria's mother. David took off his scarf and notice that this scarf was special to his mother, because it always reminded her of her family in the USA. So he decided to give it to his grandmother. "I'm sure my mother is alive, and for now you can were her scarf, so you can feel close to her again," said David as he gave his scarf to his grandmother, which made her so happy, that she gave David, Mako, and Bolin a hug. When they came
downstairs, Sarah asks David saying, "So why are you and your cousins here? Is it because you want to meet the rest of your family?" "Actually, we're here because were on a mission to find Hispanic people that are Homeless," David responded, "Homeless Hispanic!" said Jacob very surprising. "What's wrong?" David ask very confused. "A few days ago, soldiers capture a
Homeless Hispanic, while we were selling our fruits," said Jacob. "I heard that the captain of the soldiers are using the Homeless Hispanic as their prisoners or their slaves," said Andrew, very disappointed, knowing that someone is bad behaving the Hispanic's. "Can you give us the location, where their hiding the Hispanic's?" David asks. "Sure." Said Jacob. Meanwhile, Max was trying to find his way back with David and his friends, until the soldiers found and captured him and put him with the other Homeless Hispanic. "Welcome, this is your new home from now on you will train to be soldiers to serve only for us, and there will be no freedom for all of you," said the captain of the soldiers as he locked the cell.

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