The Search Begins

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            The next day, David, Bolin, Sokka, and Ruth were getting ready to go and find the homeless Hispanic, as Savanah came in with the airship. "Did someone order a fully equip future industry airship," said Savanah, "Its perfect, thanks Savanah," said David, "I figure if we're going around the world to find the Hispanic's we should do it in style," said Savanah. Mako came and David was so happy to see him, "Mako, I'm so happy you're here. Did you came here to say goodbye?" David ask, "No, I came to help you find your people," said Mako, "Wait, you're coming with us?" David ask, "Well, yea. Why? You aren't coming as well," said Mako. "Well, uh, no, I decided to stay here and which you guys good luck, so goodbye," David said as he walks away and Bolin went to talk with him "David wait a sec, aren't you coming with us," said Bolin, "No, I rather stay here and keep Republic City safe, besides things got pretty messy when mom wasn't around," said David trying to make an excuse, "Oh come on David, were also going to the U.S.A. where your mom was born and grew up, what if I met your
grandparents and Aunt for the first time and they ask about you and I told them that you refuse to go and they'll be so upset of not seeing you and probably start thinking that your father was a terrible husband to your mother and a terrible father and that your mother change into a bad person and they'll die with sadness, said Bolin.  "OK, ok I'll go," said David as they went aboard the airship. "Ok guys if were going find my people who are homeless, we need to open their eyes to know that were the good guys and that we can help them," said David. "Why should we do that," said Mako, "Because those Hispanic people wouldn't agree to come with us to Republic City, beside you know what happen when you try to help that Hispanic man," said David. "Hmm, you make a good point," said Mako, "David is right, if we're going to convince the homeless Hispanic people to come with us we need to inspire them," said Sokka, "And I have a plan, Bolin can make a show of Mako and me fighting," David asks, "It would be an honor," said Bolin very happy. When they started the show the people were very impress because they thought that Hispanic's are week person, but when David showed some of his fighting skills they've notice that they can be strong. When the fight was over, David saw that he has everyone's attention so he started to speak saying, "People, me and my friends are here to find Homeless Hispanic people and take them to live in Republic City so they can have a home to live and train to be soldiers, so if you're a Homeless Hispanic person, don't be afraid we are not here to hurt you, were here to help you." A Hispanic boy came closer, "Excuse me, hi, my name
is Max, and if you're looking for a Homeless Hispanic, I'm one of them," Max said. "What happen to your family," David asks, "My parents die three months ago, I stared to live with my grandmother, but then she died, and my uncle kick me out of the house, I've been living in the street ever since then," Max responded, "Well Max, you don't have to live in the street anymore, you are coming with us to live in Republic City, where you can have a shelter and train to become a soldier," David said which made Max so happy that he gave him a hug. When they were about to leave a group of police went to them, so David went to talk with them. "Why are you trying to stop us from leaving," David ask, "That boy that is going with you is a criminal and should be put in prison," said the policeman. "Max, is that true," David ask, "Yes,
after my uncle kick me out of the house, I've been stealing things that don't belong to me in order to survive," Max replied in a sad toon. "Wait, you shouldn't be arresting him, I'm pretty sure, we could help him to change his way," David replied, "Well, ok, the boy is your responsibility now," said the policeman. After the police left David and his friend's got on the airship and continue their mission. In the South Pole two soldiers were about to give a food to a
prisoner name Henry, a man who tried to take Victoria away, but then realized he had escaped, so, they sent a message to warn Sokka because Henry might try to take away his son David, since he is also the son of Victoria.

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