Getting Along Sister

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            When David and his friends went to Sofi's house, they met her grandparents who are also Ruth's grandparents and Toph's parents. Then Sofi introduce them to the Homeless Hispanic. "Everyone, this is Kiana. Kiana this is David son of Chief Victoria, he's going to help you find a good place in Republic City." "Nice to meet you Kiana." Said David. "Nice to meet you too Chief David." Said Kiana a little bit shy. "Please, just call me David, and don't worry you safe with us for now." Said David, which made Kiana very happy. "And Kiana this is my sister, Ruth, the person I told you all about." Said Sofi. "It's really nice to meet you Ruth. I've heard a lot about you and I really admire of how you and your parents protect the city. Your parents must be very proud of having you as a daughter." Said Sofi. "Thank you I hope that you will be a good soldier to protect Republic City. (Kiana smiled) Now that we found the Homeless Hispanic we should probably go now." Said Ruth wanting to leave now, until Sofi stop her. "Wait, David would you and your friends like to stay for only a few days?" Sofi ask. "Of course, what do you think Ruth?" said David. "Well ok, but I won't like it!" said Ruth not liking the idea to stay. During lunch time, Sofi introduce all of Toph's family. "This is Cousin Ethan and his little brother Adam. This is my uncle Gutierres and my aunt Lillie." "One big family and one nightmare," said Ruth, "No our family is a blessing," said Sofi. "Ya well that's what said when she said that we are a blessing, but she didn't really mean it, until now she really mean it." Said Ruth getting very angry. "Well you have change a bit, since that last time we've seen each other," said Sofi. "Well you haven't!" said Ruth while leaving the room very upset. When lunch was over, David ask Sofi saying, "Hey Sofi, I don't want to bother but I just want to know what happen between you and Ruth and why is she mad at you?" "Well it all started long ago after you left Republic City to start your training in Alaska. Ruth's parents wanted to have another child for Ruth to have company, but they couldn't have another child, so they adopted me and raised me as their own, and me and Ruth started to get along. Two years has past and our parents decided to let us chose what we want to be. Ruth started to follow in our parents footsteps, which made mom very happy, and I became a rebel until one day we had an argument." Said Sofi. "Then what happen?" David ask. "If you want to know the rest of the story ask Ruth. Besides I don't like talking about my mistakes." Said Sofi, so David went to find Ruth. When he found Ruth, he ask her saying, "Hey Ruth what exactly happen between you and Sofi?" "Well I really don't like to talk about it but you deserve the truth. It all started ago before you came back to Republic City. I was getting supplies at my house until I found Sofi with her criminal friends." (Flashback) "Sofi what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" Ruth ask. "Wow in that uniform you really do look like a police lady." Said Sofi. "Why are you with these thugs?" "They're not thugs, they're my friends!" said Sofi. "What is that?" said Ruth, "Some stuffs we found outside the store and decided to keep it ourselves." Said a teenage boy. "You went to steal stuff's from the store?!" said Ruth very angrily. "So what, are you going to tell Mom and Dad? It's not like day care." Said Sofi as she and her friends leave the room. "Hey we're not done disgusting this you now!" said Ruth. "Try to stop me chief." Said Sofi. I was very upset because my sister started to change when she started to hang out with those criminals. I was in my car trying to find Sofi, until I got call saying, 'Mrs. Ruth we need you. There has been a break in at a store in Twenty-Four Street.' So I went to check it out. When I was with the police men's arresting the criminals. I saw that Sofi was in the car of the criminals. "I told you to stay out of trouble!'' said Ruth. "I was only trying to do a favor for my friends that's all." Said Sofi. "By doing a break in at a store. That's it I'm taking you to jail." Said Ruth. "No, I'm not going to jail, besides you don't tell me what to do!" said Sofi as she ran away. Ruth went to stop her from running, then Sofi gave Ruth a scar in the face, which made her very scared of what she did to her. The policemen took Ruth and Sofi back to the police station for a meeting with their parents. "What were you thinking? And what were you thinking? Do you know how much damage you two have cost?" said Toph. "You're mad at me? She's the one who went out with those good for nothing criminals!'' said Ruth. "You're not the boss of me, boss!" said Sofi. "Enough! Ok, this is how we're going to do. Sofi you have to leave Republic City, immediately." Said Tyler. "What! But where am I supposed to go?" said Sofi. "You'll be staying with your grandparents at Washington state." Said Toph. "Mom, you can't do that." Said Ruth. "I can't have a daughter in prison Ruth. This is for our own good." Said Toph. "Just great, Sofi gets away and do whatever she wants!" said Ruth as she leaves the office very disappointed. (End of Flashback) "I never said goodbye to Sofi, because I was still mad at her. She has been sending me letters but I throw them away. Even though my parents tell she change, I still believe she hasn't change. My parents have been visiting her, but I didn't and I decided to never visit my birth home ever again." Said Ruth finishing her story. "Woah Ruth, I had no idea, it must have been really hard for you." Said David feeling upset of Ruth's story. "But now that I'm here it's time for me to teach Sofi a lesson." Said Ruth as she leave the room to find Sofi. David tried to stop her, but she didn't listen to him. When Ruth found her, she told her saying, "Sofi, we need to talk!" Said Ruth. "Ruth, I know that you're still upset of what had happen between you and me. But our parent's forgave me, so I ask you to please forgive me." Said Sofi. "Forgive? My parents adopted you and raised you as their own child, and I loved you like you carried my blood. But then you turn your back on me. And the payback you gave me is this scar on my face. Mom and Dad may have forgiven you, but I don't." said Ruth as she kick Sofi in the face. "Ruth your do one who don't understand. When I came back to the U. S. I felt bad for what I did to you that I started to change and hope that one day I would be reunited with you and earn your sister love, but since you want to fight fine I'll accept it." Said Sofi as she and Ruth started to fight, until David arrived with Bolin. "Should I try to stop them?" said David. "You should probably stay out of it. You don't have siblings, so let them have their moments." Said Bolin. When Kiana came to find Sofi and Ruth, she saw them fighting, so she went to stop them. "You're sisters! You shouldn't be fighting with each other!" When they stop fighting, Ruth started to feel dizzy and fell down until David cashed her and carried her to a bed room. The next day, David, Mako, Bolin, and Savanah, were waiting for Ruth to wake, but she never came out of her room. So David pushed Bolin to make him knocked the door. "Woah, Woah, you're the chosen one. Why can't you knocked the door?" said Bolin. "Well I could, but..." David was cut off when Mako went to knock the door. "Hey Ruth are you ok. You haven't been out of your room since yesterday. And David is starting to... (Oof)", Mako fell down because Ruth had finally opened the door. Ruth came out feeling better now and her friends were very surprise. Ruth went to find Sofi, until she spotted her dancing. "A Sofi, may I talk with you for a moment alone?" said Ruth. "Of course." Said Sofi. "Look I want to apologize for not saying goodbye since the day you had to live with our grandparents, and for not wanting to see you again. Guess I was so upset that you turn your back on me that I didn't believe that you change." Said Ruth. "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. I guess when I started to hang out with the criminals. I forgot whom my real family is." Said Sofi. "So forgive?" said Ruth. "Forgive. If you would like to, I could sign you up for some dancing lessons?" said Sofi. "Woah, Woah, don't get too carried away. How about this, I'll ask Mom and Dad to let you come back to Republic City, if you promise not to run off with criminals again?" said Ruth, "Agreed." Said Sofi as she and Ruth share a big hug.

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