The Hispanic Rescue

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            Jacob gave David the location where the soldiers are hiding the Homeless Hispanic, "Thanks Jacob you're the best. (David saw the rest of his family very upset) And you guys are also, great family. The family started to be happy of what David said to them. "It's too bad that you and your cousins must go now," said Victoria's mother. "I'm sorry Grandma, but those Hispanic deserve to be free not to be treated like prisoners." Said David. "Your mother would be so proud of you, for what you are doing to save the Homeless Hispanic," said Andrew. "We'll missed you and your cousin's so much, David." Said Sarah. "We'll missed you guys too Aunt Sarah," said David while he, Mako, and Bolin embrace her with a hug then all of the family came and shared a hug. They wave goodbye to the family and went back with Savanah and Ruth. David, Mako, and Bolin ran as fast as they could to find Ruth and Savanah to give them the news, until they spotted them. "Where have you guys run off to?" Ruth asked. " Max...slept the street... David...met his family...grandparents and Aunt tears...soldiers...lying." Said Bolin while trying to catch his breath, and he fell down very tired. "Can you explain what he is trying to say?" Savanah ask to David. "The soldiers are keeping the Homeless Hispanic locked in the underground area." Said David. The soldier came and told David saying, "I have found where the Homeless Hispanic's are. They are in Texas, so could you and your friends leave now please?" "We will thank you, sir," said David as the soldier left "David are you going to let him take control of your people?" Mako ask. "Of course not, besides I'm pretty sure Max is there too. Come on, we need to tell my father of this." Said David as and his friends went back to the airship. David told his father what he had heard. "That's terrible news! We need to get the Hispanic's out of there. Those Hispanic's deserves to be free," said Sokka until Toph came on her own airship. "Toph, what are you doing here is everything ok?" Sokka ask. "Kitara got a call from the South Pole saying that Henry and his gang has escaped from prison, and their coming after your son," Said Toph. "What, no it can't be? Are you sure?" Sokka ask. "I'm positive." Toph replied "Dad, what's going on?" David ask. "Long
ago, Henry and his gang tried to take your mother away so they could get their revenge by killing her, but your mother left before they had the chance to kill her. We arrested Henry and his gang, but now that they are free, they might be coming after you." Said Sokka. "What? Why were they after Mom?" David ask. "We'll worried about that later, right now we have to free
those Hispanic people." Said Toph not wanting David to know much about Victorious past. David and his team arrived in the area where the Hispanic's are locked up, until they saw two soldiers guarding the entrance. So David, Mako, and Bolin decided to take them down in order to get in. When David and his team were inside there were two hall ways that leads to the Hispanic's that are in prison, so David decided to split up. So he told Ruth saying, "Ruth, you and Savanah go through this hallway, while I, Mako, and Bolin go to the other hallway," with that said they split up. When Ruth and Savanah found the Hispanic's locked in a cell. When they opened the cell, the Hispanic's were afraid, but Ruth told them saying, "Don't worry, we're not here to hurt you, we're here to save you all." One of the Hispanic's told them saying, "There's a Hispanic boy named Max who is also locked in a cell, but in a different room, because he's the
only Hispanic child that is homeless here. You have to free him too." "Don't worry, our friends are freeing him," said Savanah while she and Ruth are leading them outside of the cell. When David, Mako, and Bolin arrived in a cell they found Max. Max told them saying, "Sorry I run off. I just wanted to see the view of the city." "Hey its ok. What matter is that you're ok and that we found you. And you're still welcome to live in Republic city with us." Said David while give Max
a hug and Mako and Bolin join in the hug, which made Max very happy. When they found Ruth and Savanah with the Hispanic's, David told Bolin saying, "Bolin call Aunt Toph and let her know that were ready." "Aunt Toph, this is papa bear speaking. The breezes are in the hole. Cue the balloons," said Bolin talking to Toph on the phone. "What! Are you in trouble?" said Toph in a confuse tone. "No. We got the Hispanic's and we're heading out bring the airship. No one likes
code names anymore." said Bolin in a sad tone. When they went outside, hoping that Toph would arrive with the airship, they were surrounded by soldiers. The captain of the soldiers told David saying, "Chief David, you and your team are free to go, if you promise to leave these Hispanic's to me." "No, these Hispanic's deserves to be free and have a better life. Not to be
lock in a cell and be treated like slaves." Said David in a serious tone. "Those Hispanic's are mine, they deserve to be my servants, but since you refused to listen than I have no other choice but to arrest you your friends as well! Take them away." Said the captain of the soldiers ordering his troops to arrest them until Toph and her policemen came just in time to save them. After they arrest the soldiers and took them to jail, they took the Hispanic in a forest for
they can rest for a while, and Sokka started to speak to them saying, "I know that none of you chose to be homeless, but now you have a choice. We can relocate you all somewhere safe, or you can come with me to Republic City to have a safe home and train to become true soldiers. What path you decide is your choice." One of the Hispanic's stood up and said, "I want to go with you." Then another Hispanic stood up, "Me too." And then another Hispanic stood up, "Count me in." Then all of the Hispanic's stood up agreeing to go to Republic City which made David to cry in tears. Toph and Sokka were living with the Hispanic in the airship to Republic City while David and his team keep on searching for more Homeless Hispanic's. Before they left Sokka told David saying, "David be very careful, and don't let Henry and his gang capture you." "I won't. You the funny thing is that everywhere I go, I feel like Mom is with me or something." Said David. "That's because she is part of you, and she would be so proud of you and so am I." said Sokka. "Thanks Dad," said David while giving his father a hug and getting on the airship with his friends.

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