A Sister Reunion

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            David, Bolin, Ruth, and Savanah were taking a break on a green hill until Make came rushing with some news. "Guys a got a phone call from my mother." "What did Aunt Kitara say?" David ask. "She found out that there's a Homeless Hispanic in Washington State." "Washington? Hey isn't that the state that God send my mother before stopping a war from happening, and the birth home of you and your mother Toph?" David ask to Ruth which made
her very shock. "Yes, and I rather not go there, besides your being chase by a dangerous criminals remember." Said Ruth not wanting to go. "Sorry, if there's a Homeless Hispanic in that state, we need to go there, so let's go." Said David which made Ruth very upset. When they arrive in Washington State, David, Mako, Bolin, and Ruth were so happy to go out to see the
city, but Ruth wasn't excited which made David very curious. "Hey aren't coming with us the see the city," said David. "No I rather stay here, besides we might be able to get a phone call from our parents," said Ruth trying to make an excuse. "Ok, see ya," said David, until Ruth stop him for a while, "Oh and David, don't let anyone know that I came along with you guys. I don't want anyone to know that I'm here," said Ruth look in the window with her hands fold. "Ok. If you say so." Said David while leaving the airship. When David, Mako, Bolin, and Savanah, were looking through the city to find some Homeless Hispanic's, they were found by a girl named Sofi. "Hey are you guys new here?" Sofi ask. "Ya, I'm David, son of Chief Victoria, and these are my cousin, Mako and Bolin, and my friend who's like a sister to me, Savanah." Said David. "It's really nice to meet you all. Did you came along with someone else too?" Sofi ask, which reminded David not to let anyone know that Ruth is here as well, so he lied to her saying, "No, just us." "Well if you want to I can give you and your friends a tour." Said Sofi, "We would love to have a tour." Said David. "Ok then let's go." Said Sofi as she started to show David and his
friends the city. After the tour, David told Sofi saying, "Thanks for the tour Sofi, but I think me and the team should be going now, but it's really nice to meet you." "You're welcome but before you leave, I just have one question. Why didn't you tell me that someone else was with you guys?" said Sofi, which made David very surprising. "How did you know that I lie to you?"
David ask. "You and your friends were breathing so hard, that's how I know when people is lying. So did you bring someone or not?" said Sofi. "Well the truth is my friend Ruth came along with us on our mission, but she decided to stay in the airship because she doesn't anyone to know that she is here." Said David. "You're a friend of Ruth!" said Sofi very surprising. "You know her?" David ask. "Oh, she never told you about me. David, I'm Ruth's sister." Said Sofi which made David very shock. When they were in the airship, Ruth wasn't happy to see Sofi. "So that's why you didn't want to come. Why you didn't tell me that you have a sister?" Said David. "Adopted sister." Said Ruth. "Same birth home, different parents, so what we carried the same American blood." Said Sofi. Ruth didn't respond instead she turn her back on her. "So what brings you all here?" Sofi ask to David. "We're here because we're on a mission to find Hispanic's that are homeless." Said David. "Well, if your looking for a Homeless Hispanic there's one in my house," Said Sofi which made David very happy. "Ruth your sister found a Homeless Hispanic!" said David. "I have nothing to say to you," Said Ruth to Sofi.

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