Escape: Part One

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            One night when everyone was asleep, Henry and his gang arrived in Washington State and kidnapped David. David woke up and tried to take them down, but Henry unconscious him. When Savanah woke up, she saw David being kidnapped. She went to save him by using her weapons to take them down, but Henry unconscious her and kidnapped her too and left Washington State. In the morning, Mako went to David and Savanah's room to wake them up. "Hey guys it's time to wake up." No one responded so Mako kept on knocking. "Come on you guys you don't want to miss breakfast, besides breakfast is to most important meal." Still, no one responded, so Mako open the door. "Hey it's everything alright?" When he went inside, he saw that David and Savanah were not in their beds nor in their room. So Mako went to check in the city to see if they are there, but they weren't, so he went back to Sofi's house to everyone know. "Hey guys we have an emergency!" "What is it bro?" said Bolin. "David and Savanah are missing!" said Mako. "What! But how is it possible!?" said Sofi. "I don't know, but I have a feeling, that Henry and his gang were here and kidnapped both of them." Said Mako. "I'll call Uncle Sokka, to let him know what had happen he might be able to help us." Said Ruth as she went to the airship to call Sokka. "Everyone get ready. We have a chosen one and a friend to save." Said Mako as everyone got ready to find David and Savanah. When David and Savanah woke up, they found themselves inside a battleship locked in a cell. David and Savanah started to hear a voice. "Well, you two are finally awake." Said a man. "Who are you? Show yourself!" said David. The figure came out of his shadow. "Who are you?" Said David. "I am Henry." Said Henry. "(Gasp) you're the man that came when my mother went missing!" said David in shock. "Of course I am. I'm surprise to know that your father had finally told you one of his last days with your mother." Said Henry. "Ok man, why did you came to Republic City to kill my mother seven years ago, and why did you kidnap me and Savanah?" said David. "Because when I was eighteen years old, I attack soldiers during the full because they were about to start a war, until your mother, Victoria, got me arrested. So when I was in prison, I met Jasiah, a girl that your mother got her arrested for trying to commit murder, and a group of prisoners that also hates your mother, and together we escape prison and decided to get revenge by killing your mother. When we heard that your mother became the first leader of Republic City, we decided to surprise her by killing her while she's asleep at midnight, but when we arrive, she was gone and your father, Sokka arrest us and made sure that we never escape prison, but when we figured out a way to escape, we decided to kidnap you since you carry the same blood as your mother, and your friend was trying to save you, so we decided to take her too." Said Henry, which made David to remember a story that his mother told him a long time ago. "It's you. You're the man that my mother told me about. No wonder you want to get revenge!" said David. "Indeed, and the sooner we find your mother, the sooner we will get our revenge." Henry was about to walk away until he remembers to mention something. "Oh, I almost forgot. Tell me, how does it feel of growing up without your mother to guide you? Do you miss her?" David started to become very upset. "That's what I thought." Said Henry. "You won't get away with this!" said Savanah. "I just did." Said Henry, as he leaves the room. "Don't worry, we'll get out of here, and when we do, we'll stop Henry and his gang and make sure that they don't try to mess you and your mother ever again." Said Savanah. "But what if we don't get out of here, besides Henry's right, without my mother to guide me to become a good leader, I'm useless. I can't even find an easy way to solve all the problems in Republic City, after Amon's whose real name is Nathan, attack." Said David feeling upset. "Hey don't say like that, don't you remember the story of one of your mothers adventure. Mako and Bolin's grandfather, John Adam, Sr., tried everything he could to stop your mother from stopping the war. But no matter what challenge she go through, and how hard the mission is, she never gave up so why should you?" said Savanah. "But Savanah I..." Savanah didn't let David finish his sentence. "Hey, because your mother had faith in God she had won the battle, and because you had faith, you defeated Amon." Said Savanah which gave David more confident. "Your right, I should never give up, because with God's help we'll be able to defeat Henry and his gang. Thanks Savanah. You know, I'm starting to like you as a big sister." Said David which made Savanah to giggle. "Thanks. So how are we going to get out of here?" Savanah ask. While they were trying to find a way to escape, David then realized that there's a hole underneath the bed. "Look! A secret tunnel. Maybe it's the way out." Said David. "Good idea. Let's go." Said Savanah as she and David jump into the hole. After they escape, David started to have another idea. "Hey, we should go and find Ezra, maybe he could help us figure out a way to defeat Henry." Said David. "Who's Ezra?" Savanah ask. "Ezra is the uncle of my Uncle John Adam's, Jr. who's also been like a father to him, and he's my mother mentor." Said David. "Oh, Mako did mention that a family member of his, was your mother's mentor, but he never told me his name and that he was his father's uncle." Said Savanah. "I met him when I was a baby, and that last time I saw him was when I was six years old, because he became the captain of the soldiers in the South Pole." Said David. "So let's go to the South Pole." Said Savanah. "No, he's not in the South Pole, he's in Africa, sending food and shelter for the poor people." Said David. "How did you know that Ezra is in Africa?" Savanah ask. "Well, he's been sending post cards and letters from the places he goes to make sure that we know he's ok, so that we don't get too worry, and last week he send a letter saying that he's going to Africa." Said David. "Well before we go, we need to make a decision. If we go to Africa to find Ezra, he might help us to defeat Henry and his gang." Said Savanah. "But if we go back home, we be like cowards, and when Henry finds us again, everyone will get hurt." Said David. "Then Africa it is." Said Savanah. "Alright then let's go. We'll take the boat that leads to Africa." Said David. "But we don't have money to ride a boat." Said Savanah. "Then we'll sneak inside the boat before it leaves, and hide so no one would see us, come on." Said David, as he and Savanah went to the boat that leads to Africa. When they found the boat that leads to Africa they went inside, before anyone could see them and hide in a small boat with a sheet, until the boot started to sail to Africa. When Henry found out that David and Savanah had escape, he got so mad that he decided to attack Republic City.

To Be Continue:

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