Mood swings headcannons

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〰︎Eddie on the other hand is....not so effective at dealing with emotions or mood swings.

〰︎ Its not that isn't good at it but if you are freaking out then that's gonna make him freak out.

〰︎ Pretty much however you are feeling that is what hes gonna feel, especially if you snap at him or are angry at him then hes gonna be mad that you are mad at him.

〰︎ I think he would be better in situations where you are sad about something because then at least he can be sad with you sometimes that can help.

〰︎ But it might take him a minute to sort things out.

〰︎ If you were mad though I think he would either freak out and not know what to do or he would simply leave and give you some space.

〰︎ But once he thinks its safe to check on you, he will and he'll comfort you the best way he knows how to.

〰︎ By either physical affection or just apologizing for how not good he is at helping you.

〰︎ But he learns eventually. He will slowly figure out what makes you upset and he'll try to find a way to make you feel better even if its kinda odd.

〰︎ But hey at least hes trying...
Credit: insane-horror-movie-addict

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