More eddie headcannons

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〰︎ Eddie is a wild card. Everything he does is perfectly crafted to get a rise out of people. He likes catching them off guard - shocking them into reactions that they might not have otherwise.

〰︎ He's like that with you sometimes. Or rather, he likes making you a party to his wicked deeds. He'll grab you in the cafeteria and loop you into sweeping statements as an accomplice.

〰︎ He'll lay some sickening PDA on you during Hellfire meetings, yelling at the boys when they gag and cover their eyes - "yeah that's right. Look away kids. You can't have any of this anyway. She's all mine," he adds on with a wink.

〰︎ But when you're alone, sometimes the most surprising thing Eddie Munson is capable of is his softness. You'd imagined the metal head 'freak' of Hawkins would be wild in the sheets. And he can be.

〰︎ But more often than not, Eddie Munson likes taking you out to Lover's Lake, lying out under the stars, and kissing you for hours. With nothing but a blanket, a blunt, and all the time in the world.

〰︎ And on nights when you end up back at his trailer - when his uncle is gone and you're both buzzed on cheap beer and each other - he'll slowly press you down into his worn, faded sheets. Careful to make sure you're comfortable on the extra pillows he'd snagged from Goodwill when you first started seeing each other and he'd worried you wouldn't want to stay with him if he still only had the one raggedy cushion.

〰︎ He'll settle between your thighs and pull your legs up around him to hitch over his hips.

〰︎ He'll kiss you till you're whimpering beneath him, wordlessly begging for the thing you know he'll give you. The thing he'd never deny you.

〰︎ Eddie will pull your clothes off gently. Reverently, even. Kissing exposed skin as it is revealed to him.

〰︎ He'll sink into you and let out a sighing exhale. Almost sounding relieved. Like he's been waiting for this all day. Like you're home and he's been desperate to return to you.

〰︎ Most days he's talkative. He loves to make you laugh, loves saying silly dramatic things that has you giggling and writhing on his cock. Loves describing your body to you and watching you squirm at the attention, preening in spite of yourself.

〰︎ But today he's quiet, save for his heavy breathing. He's listening to you. Taking in the way you react to him. Feeling you around him and mentally archiving the shifts in your body. The swell of your breath. The scrunch of your face.

〰︎ Eddie doesn't believe himself to be a particularly smart man. He's failed school too many times to believe otherwise. But he does believe himself to be clever enough to recognize perfection when faced with it.

〰︎ A perfectly crafted D&D campaign. A Metallica song played at top volume while driving too fast down main street in the middle of the night. Your body beneath his.

〰︎ And as Eddie thrusts into you slowly, methodically, he hopes that you're happy. That it feels good and that you want him and that you'll continue to want him. Because he'll never stop wanting you.

〰︎ "I love you, princess."

〰︎ And you're surprised. But so deeply happy.

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