Dad Eddie

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i see him as being excited as hell, but also really scared when you tell him that you're pregnant. we know now that his own dad was apparently Not The Best, so he worries so much about ending up like that. but when you assure him that he won't, and that his uncle was a positive father figure for him, eddie comes around. after all, he has always seen wayne as more of a father than his own, because of all the love & support wayne poured into him. if his uncle could do that to him, then eddie could absolutely show that same kind of love to his own child.

and oh boy, does he. i imagine that you have a daughter, and he's so damn worried that he won't do it right. he never really had any experience in how to raise a girl, but you show him the ropes just fine. he actually enjoys getting up at night to tend to her, while letting you get some much-needed rest. he hums lullabies, talks to her about d&d (even though it's a baby who would not understand, but he doesn't care), and stays with her until she goes back to sleep. he reads her bedtime stories when she's older, and definitely reads her the hobbit and other lord of the rings books when she is old enough to understand them. he teaches her d&d when she's older, introduces her to his music tastes, and they even have a father/daughter day every weekend.

and when she's old enough to date? eddie is definitely that dad who is sitting outside with a beer, waiting up for the poor soul to come pick her up so that he can give them the "you better behave yourself with my little girl" talk. embarrassing dad? yeah, eddie munson is going to be that type of father, 100%.

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