??? Meets Frisk And Papyrus

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Frisk P.O.V:

Well this is really weird let me return to the start. Me and Papyrus where making some new food since I had suggested to papyrus that we should try other food instead of spaghetti normally this would be a problem as we would have to buy it and neither felt like going out. 

It is easier with my powers I could spawn what we needed,anyways we were making some lasagna and we had just taken it out of the oven when a portal appeared and dropped what do you know a papyrus au and surprise it was Red's brother If Sans was here he would know what to do unfortunately he was somewhere else probably with his aus.

Now here we are staring at Papyruses au that we put on the couch "Human?" I look over to papyrus "Hmmm?" I ask "Do you think this version of me would like some lasagna?" he asked. I had told Papyrus about the aus when I told him about the resets he was quick to believe me saying something along this lines of "That's why sometimes I could never find Sans".

 "WHERE AM I" we heard a shout me and Papyrus both looked at the new papyrus who was now awake "AND WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE ME" it took awhile to calm finally calm him down and to explain who we were and where he was "Ha, looks like Alphys Alternate Universe theory was correct" he said. "Well call me Edge,what about you two" "You can call me Cinnamon and this human is frisk" "I see" he said "Well then what shall we do now that I am here?, as I do not have a clue of how to get back to my au" 

"Human Frisk should be able to get you back" Papyrus said. I nodded "Umm..perhaps can I stay for a little while longer?" Edge asked "I don't see why not me and human Frisk were about to eat some lasagna, would you care to join us?" Edge had nodded his head. We ate some of the lasagna and played some games Edge seemed to be having fun but he seemed quite sad when it was time to leave so I gave him a power to teleport to our au whenever he felt like it. Me and papyrus waved goodbye to edge as he left back to his au. Me and papyrus started to clean up the mess we made in the kitchen and wash all the dishes. "Human today was fun I hope he comes to visit again" papyrus said "I'm sure he will papyrus..I'm sure he will"

(Sorry it's been taking so long to update my stories all of them are still continued though.for those of you who waited thank you I appreciate it)

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