Ch- 3 Destiny Or A Coincidence?

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After Darell left the bakery. He stomps his feets and he realises that he was surely a bit rude but then he mumbles nevermind she was the one who started, he sighs and walks his way to his company's building and he enters and everyone greets him and he just nods. Louis told him that he has to go to his paris branch to meet the stock holders. After the meeting Louis booked the flight for Paris tomorrow. Darell was still a bit annoyed because he couldn't get his favorite choco chip donuts, Louis seemed to notice this behavior of him so he asked "What makes you so annoyed? "

Darell sighed and said "I met this girl and she is not getting off my mind" Louis grins and happily shouts "Finally this guy is interested in someone, should thank Jesus for this!! " Darell was already quite irritated and he glared and spoke " I can't get her off my mind because she was so annoying that it makes me feel sick not because she was so Beautiful." So you agree she was beautiful? " Louis said in a teasing way. Darell was so irritated he banged his hand on the table and said "GET LOST!!" Louis started laughing and left from his cabin.

Darell was a bit red after Louis put on a  limelight on the fact that he thinks she's beautiful because it's the first he feels that some girl pretty he mumbles " She was cute when she yelled" But later on he slapped his own self and said "get back in your senses Darell, I should head back, take some ice cream and rest what bullshit am I thinking."

At the same time Ginny was tensed about her mom and that she has to go back to the place she hates. She hated the fact that she has to see their faces again and then suddenly Nia came in and interrupted her thoughts by saying " Ma'am dont you think that guy was way too rude?" Ginny said "he was a freak." Ginny informed Nia that she won't be here for few days as she would be leaving for Paris since tomorrow she said to Nia " Now I guess I should take my leave since I'm tired."

As she was leaving she saw a couple holding hands and giggling seeing that Ginny went back to the days when she and Ryan were together. Her eyelids were wet but then she holds her tears back and then heads to her mansion. On the way back she bumped into someone again someone who refreshed her wounds it was her, the one who betrayed her lula. They both were just starring each other and then someone held lula's hand and pulled her back and Ginny was pretty sure that it was Ryan but when she saw the person she was very shook it was not Ryan. It meant that Lula must be cheating on Ryan. Just after that Lula said to the guy " Babe go and wait for me in the car I'll see you in 5 minutes. Lula said "hi Ginny how are you doing?" Ginny responded " I'm fine, I'm off to something important so I'll take my leave".

Ginny was feeling bad for Ryan but then she realised that it was karma. She was disgusted with the thought that she was ever friends with such a gold digger. The next day on time of the flight she boarded on the flight and as she entered the business coach she was astonished and irritated by her sight as it was Darell sitting on the seat right in front of her. Ginny thought if them meeting is a coincidence or destiny?

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