Ch- 5 Meet

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Ginny was dumbfounded as she saw Ryan she just said "hey". Darell was smart enough to understand what could make a person awkward and he knew that he is the ex of Ginny so he thought that seriously him what is wrong with her... I really I hate this guy's hair I don't think he puts gel on his hair he baths with it I really dislike it. Ryan said to Ginny " Who is this gentlemen? Your boyfriend?" Ginny was about to say when Darell spoke up and said " I might be...hahahahaHA". Ryan was not ready to accept that Ginny would move on and date any other guy so he said while starring  Darell "This man is quite funny" Meanwhile Ginny was blankly starring at Darell. Darell whispered in her ears and said " Just play along sweetie" He winks.

Ginny plays along and says " Yes you guessed it right! We're dating." Ryan was so shocked that he couldn't think straight he just said" It's great I'm happy for you!"
Ginny was faking a smile and Darell said  " And you are? " Ryan said " I'm Ginny's old friend. Ginny said " How's mum?" She's fine she has been waiting to see you and she'll be surprised to see your boyfriend and what a stupidity that I still didn't ask his name" What's your name gentleman"? Darell replied " Ha ha I'm Darell Laurent nice to meet you!"
"You're the President of Laurent firms?" asked Ryan in a surprised tone.

Darell smirked and said " Yeah you got that right Ryan ". Ginny then interrupted the conversation and said " You guys keep talking I'm heading for the hospital" And just only then Ryan said" You won't go alone I'm here to pick you up Ginny, let's go together" he offered. " She has me  Mr. Ryan and we'll be visiting her together.

To Be Continued...

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