Chapter 3

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You and Jinxx went upstairs to the bedroom and you guys decided to watch a horror movie just for the heck of it so you were looking through the channels for a horror movie to watch so you gave up when you couldn't find one you went on Netflix and found some old black and white horror movies so that you two could make fun of them like you always do so everyone someone got murdered you laugh cuz it was so fake and it was so obvious.
~~~~time skip~~~~
After the movie was over it was late so you guys decided to get into your pjs and go to bed. After you changed you got under the covers and cuddled up to Jinxx you looked into his eyes and gave him a kiss on the lips and put your head in the crook of his neck and he wrapped his arms around you and you both fell asleep peacefully. The next morning you woke up in Jinxx's tight grip you tried to get out of it but you couldn't so you decided to go back to sleep and wake up when Jinxx did so you fell back asleep into his arms. When Jinxx woke up he looked at you and shook you to wake you up you opened your eyes slowly then you looked up at Jinxx and smiled at him "Good morning beautiful." Jinxx said to you sweetly "good morning " you say back tiredly. Sorry guys that I have to keep leaving you guys on cliffhangers.

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